I love the new PDF import, but ...

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Hello all,

I just tried the new PDF import feature in 1.5.0 (Windows64bit) and it's really working great for the PDF form that I need to change.

However I have one question: the existing text of the PDF is imported as individual polygons - one for each character.  This makes changing just parts of the text a bit complicated.

I tried various ways of converting those polygons to a textframe but that apparently doesn't work. The conversion seems to work,  because I can then use Edit -> Edit Text, the dialog that appears there does not contain any text.

Is there a way I can import the PDF and make it recognize the text as a "real" text element? Or is this simply not possible?


hi avc,

scribus is not a pdf editor.
(well, PDFs are not meant to be edited, either...)

the goal of the pdf importer is to load in the most exactly way an existing PDF and integrate it into the scribus document before the final output.
it also allows to reuse parts of existing PDFs.

but scribus is not a tool to fast load a pdf, do some little changes and save again the pdf.
one day it might become a tool that can manage such a workflow, but it will never be one of the goals of scribus.

and for getting text from a pdf: just select the text in a pdf viewer and copy paste it into a scribus frame...


p.s.: well, if i must be honest, it already bothers me that scribus can create PDF forms... hey, it's a DTP tool!


Quote from: a.l.e on May 26, 2015, 09:11:02 PM
the goal of the pdf importer is to load in the most exactly way an existing PDF and integrate it into the scribus document before the final output. it also allows to reuse parts of existing PDFs.
This is what I'm trying to do

Quoteand for getting text from a pdf: just select the text in a pdf viewer and copy paste it into a scribus frame...
Thanks, I'll try that - although the PDF text has a lot o formatting like indented paragraphs, bullet lists and so on, which is all lost when I copy and paste the text. But it's probably better in the long run to completely re-create the two pages in Scribus "natively".