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load pdf files but some images do not visualize

I have a pdf file with many vector images , I have to change some things , but two images of the original file is not the office , how do I fix ?
i'm italian


my file result

original file

This is the file that charge me , I've already made the changes I had to , but is missing the bar code and the Arabic language


Scribus is not good pdf editor, but try convert your pdf file in ps or eps file and next import them into Scribus.

It was first solution
Try open pdf in Inkscape save as svg and next import into Scribus. I hope that it help in barcode (but You need be careful with the size - Scribus scales file), but I suppose that will be problem with arabian text, therefore before pdf import convert this text into curves (in Ghostscript or in online free tools for pdf link ).

3 solution - attach oryginal pdf here and I try help you.

greeting to the sunny italy ;-)