[SOLVED]FOGRA47 (PSO Uncoated ISO12647)

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Hello community,
Newby to Scribus, I made a A4 (+ bleed , etc) product sheet to be sent to an online printer. These guys usually take basic PDF from my GIMP productions but I wanted to uprgade to Scribus for finer CMYK management.

I found the ICC they require (that is in the title of this post) : http://www.eci.org/en/downloads
Here are the questions :

  • how do I get this .icc file into scribus
  • how do I make sure that the product sheet I've put out will work with this (or did I have to set the ICC profile before and do I have to redo it   :'(
  • Are there specific export tunings to get the right .pdf / CMYK file for my online printer (like separated layers C, then M, then Y, then K in the .pdf) ?
Can you help, please..?
Kubuntu 14.04 both @home & @work but noob nevertheless


pierpiotr Where are You from? (country)

Your name/nick suggests France/Poland.
It would be easier for me to communicate in my language. Therefore I ask.


Kubuntu 14.04 both @home & @work but noob nevertheless


About icc and instalation
about color management

Nowadays, printing rather needs composite pdf, and separations are doing on your own/print house software.

Nowadays, PDF/X-1a it is standard for printing, sometimes PDF/X-3 or PDF/X-4


I found a command to cp inside /usr/share/color/icc and it seems to have applied and accepted this new color profile.
Thank you for showing the right way, leaf.
Kubuntu 14.04 both @home & @work but noob nevertheless