[fixed][Scribus 1.5] problem previewing spot colors

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I'm working on a document which uses a spot color. It is a metallic Pantone color which has been set according to the documentation : http://documentation.scribus.net/index.php/Spot_Colors
In the preview before printing tool, it is possible to preview each color individually, and I rely on that tool to make sure everything is in order. However, It works well for basic CMYK colors, but I can't manage to preview the spot color.

In the following image, you can see a page with only 2 colors been used : black and my spot color (the brownish one).
The black is previewed ok, but not the spot color.

What bugs me is that I'm pretty sure it was working well the last time I opened that document, about two years ago.
I know Scribus 1.5 is under development and shouldn't be used for production, but I can't switch back to a stable version now.
So, maybe the workflow changed and I have to update my document,or maybe it is a bug.

Any help greatly appreciated !

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I haven't 1.5 now, but for me preview from Scribus is not too reliable.
Perhaps You have set convert spot colors to composite colors?

In 1.4.4 in preview I can see spot/pantone plate.

But when I want check separation I publish my file to pdf and next
use ghostscript to he separate my composite pdf to tiff files.

In terminal use
GS -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffsep -r150 \
                 -sOutputFile=out.tiff composite.pdf

Or install gsview32 - version 5 and ghostscript and in convert window in options paste -sDEVICE=tiffsep -r150

But if it is possible attach any sample pdf file with 2 colors.


Hi, thanks for your answer.

Well, I find the previewing tool quite useful and effective to check color separation, if not for spot colors unfortunately.
I recreated the example page in the stable version (1.4.x), and the previewing tool behaves the same, that is : I can tick the spot color, but it has no effect on the preview.
The "convert spot color" option is not checked (neither in the document's color options, nor the previewing tool).

Thanks for the ghostscript tip, I will keep that for future use. But for this project, I need to send a pdf file to the printer.
In fact, I think everything is ok with my document regarding the spot color, it's hopefully just a bug with the previewing tool.
Now that I think about it, last time I worked on that document about 2 yers ago, I'm 100% sure I could preview the spot color.

Anyway, here's a sample page attached just in case.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I check Your file in ghostscript and in puzzleflow separator and this file has 5 colors,  4 - it is a bitmap, is as or RGB/or has bad icc profile, and Your Pantone 876.

Puzzleflow shows that your bitmap is as gray but with color icc profile, PagePlus shows Your bitmap in RGB mode.
So is a mistake in this element. But Pantone plate is ok, although Your black text is without overprint, in separation under text is white area. - sometimes it is as error.



I attach yet, screen from old Scribus - separation - works, and files where there are recreate Your file, perhaps it will be ok on Your computer too.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks for your time !
I opened your document in Scribus 1.4.3, didn't touch anything, and launched the preview tool : it still doesn't work for me, the spot color can't be previewed.
That's strange. Maybe my scribus version isn't up to date ?

The icc profile on that image is wrong, but that shouldn't affect the color separation, nor the previewing.
Well, I don't have a clue. Maybe it's time to fill a bug report.

By the way, here is the info from the "about" dialog :
QuoteVersion de Scribus 1.4.3.svn
22 Mars 2013
Identifiant de compilation : C-C-T-F-C1.13.1-64bit
Utilisation de Ghostscript version 9.10


I don't know where is problem.
I use scribus 1.3.9 and 1.4.4 (portable) in Win XP and preview is ok.
I noticed that You use svn version, it is version for testing rather not for work, so perhaps here is the any problem?
Try maybe 1.4.4 portable... http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Scribus%20Portable/ScribusPortable_1.4.4.paf.exe/download
It works on Linux under Wine too.

Bugs webpage is here, - it if You want report a bug, but I'm not sure that it is bug, maybe any user from this forum will be has any explanation for You yet.


Ok, I reported the bug here : http://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=12628
Maybe it has something to do with ghostscript ?
Anyway, thanks for the help !


The bug was fixed both in the the 1.4svn and 1.5svn branches.
Thanks Scribus team !