No Text and Weird Dotted Lines in PDF

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I'm new to Scribus, and I'm working on a document that needs to be sent out in a few days.  However, when I tried exporting it as a PDF, odd dotted lines appeared around my colored shapes, and my text disappeared.  I've created a smaller sample document, and the same problems persist there.  I've also done a test print of the smaller document, and it prints as it looks - weird dotted lines and no text.  I can't tell if this is a problem with my computer (I'm using a mac), or with the process of exporting.

I've attached both the .sla and .pdf files for the sample document.  Thanks!

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hi randykorn

select one of the affected items, go to 'properties' (f2) → 'colors' → 'stroke' and select 'none' instead of 'black' and the problem should be gone.
(unfortunately you have to do it for every element separately...)



Aha!  That did the trick, thank you so much!!