Create a PDF form fillable & savable

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I tried to create a PDF form to fill out offline (no php or server process) with SCRIBUS.

Just download the form and fill it out and SAVE it with data.

But when a try to save it (save as..) I got a message like:

QuoteThis document does not allow you to save any changes you have made to it unless you are using Adobe Acrobat X Standard, Adobe Acrobat X Pro, or Adobe Acrobat X Knowledge Worker Suite. You will only be saving a copy of the original document. Do you want to continue?

I tested it in Adobe Acrobat (not my choice) because is used by a lot of my users in web (i will not impose another maybe suggest  ;) ).

So, Could someone help me, give a suggestion to change something in the form (Scribus parameter, settings, security or something) ?

Thank you a lot !!!


Short answer: Not possible, blame Adobe.