Find All Styles Used --- issue already mentioned but not resolved ...

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the initial author wrote:
QuoteWhen reusing a Scribus document to begin a new iteration of it, I always seem to end up adding new styles as well as reusing existing ones.  But some of the existing styles are no longer used in my current document and should be removed.  But how do I find which styles are actively being used?  I wrote a short bash script (linux) to find these:
grep PARENT=  <targetFile>.sla | sort | uniq | grep -o '".*"' | sed 's/"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | sort | uniq

the code above does work, but it lists all styles defined, there is no distinction if it is really used. It lists also the definition of the styles. You can sort this out easily adding another grep.
grep PARENT=  <targetFile>.sla | grep -v ""STYLE NAME" | sort | uniq | grep -o '".*"' | sed 's/"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | sort | uniq
the obtained output seems OK for me.

Would be great however to have this in the menu of scribus itself ....
The original discussion after deviates a little bit on importing styles ...

Have a great day