How to combine Scribus Documents?

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Just wanted to share this with all of you.

I am developing a documentation manual for a course in our academy. I made many pages as separate Scribus files. I was not sure how to combine them. I spent quite a bit of time trying to find this as a Scribus beginner!

Later I found this to be pretty simple! Steps as I see it:

1) Make separate documents separately and save them in a folder, giving file names 01_ABC.sla, 02_CDE.sla, 03_EFG.sla etc.

2) Open a new Scribus document. Go to Page>Import>Import Page(s)>Select

3) Choose the documents sequentially (e.g. file no 01 to 02 to 03 etc)

4) From the document specify the pages that you want to import

5) Tick Create Page(s)

6) Select 'At End' (later on for editing you may select 'Before Page' or 'After Page' as required)

7) Now press Import ... and your job is done!

It is amazingly simple! But for a New User this took some time to find out!

Enjoy Scribus!



Thank you Kalyan
That  looks useful, I wonder if in a very large document one could use it for importing Chapters or a few pages at a time.

I have a book of 300-400 pages coming up and I wonder if that would be useful.



as you can read here:

a project manager is being developed through this year's gsoc projects...



a.l.e thank you for that address on this subject, I would like some more information if there is some, please.
