Applying style on multiple selection

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In my actual project there is a series of texts consisting in an enumeration of 10 to 12 characteristics, each of them beginning from the margin, i.e. each line corresponding for Scribus to a paragraph. Thus I must select each line/paragraph after the other in order to apply the same style. I have read an article on this forum about applying styles to long lists but I wasn't able to learn from it (my English is not brilliant). Is there a method allowing to select the whole series of 10 or 12 lines in order to apply the same style to all of them ?
Many thanks for any tip.
Best regards


I'll answer my own question, it could be useful for somebody else  :).
If you have entered a text consisting in a series of lines, an enumeration of items or a poem and you want to apply to all lines the same style, open the modify text window, select the whole text, in the upper right corner of the window click on the "no style" button and choose the style you want. Done !