Found an odd quirk I think. Was aligning objects in a previously created document. Was using align to first selected option, but noticed different behavior when selecting elements from the page vs the outline window. It works as expected from the document page, but when selecting from the outline panel, the order of the items from the top down denotes what is first. (top most element)
Can someone confirm this behavior?
hi admfubar
just tested with scribus 1.6.3 and 1.7.0 – it depends on how you select:
if you select the elements in the 'outline' panel one by one, the 'align' function works as expected. but if you select a range of objects (click on an object in the 'outline' panel and shift-click on another one) it will align relative to the top most element.
Thanks for the clarification, I will have to check that. It was late and i was tired when i was testing these options.