Scribus Forums

Scribus => Beginner Talk => Topic started by: Yichuang驿窗 on February 05, 2020, 07:15:52 AM

Title: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: Yichuang驿窗 on February 05, 2020, 07:15:52 AM
When a odt file (made by libreoffice writer v6.3.4.2) was imported into scribus text frame, the numbered list lost.

The attachments are the screenshots and the odt file.

How to make the imported lists style work?

My System:
Debian Stretch 9.11/gnome
Scribus 1.5.5svn 23095(Build ID: C--T-F-C1.15.10-64bit)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: robert.peetsalu on March 08, 2022, 12:14:41 PM
This is still a problem for me too. All the imported bullet points turn into hyphens.

I tried setting the default style of the document from Edit -> Styles.. -> Default Paragraph Styles -> Paragraph Effects -> Char Table and there managed to use the weird character inserter to enter the hyphen, but all that didt was add a hyphen at the beginning of every paragraph instead of recognizing the hyphen as a bulled list item.
Title: Re: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: steven8 on March 09, 2022, 11:56:09 AM
Import doesn't work, but select all, copy and paste brings in the bullets.
Title: Re: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: robert.peetsalu on March 09, 2022, 12:15:35 PM
Quote from: steven8 on March 09, 2022, 11:56:09 AM
Import doesn't work, but select all, copy and paste brings in the bullets.

Copy-pasting doesn't paste formatting. I need to get both formatting and lists from the source document. Is there any workaround for that on either the stable or development version or any clever combination of both?

All official Scribus help documents say that the best way to import formatted text is to import an ODT file, so I exported my Google Doc in ODT format. The exported file looks great in latest LibreOffice, but importing it to a text box in Scribus 1.4.x turns them into hyphens and in 1.5.x loses the lists together with all the paragraphs behind them.
Title: Re: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: robert.peetsalu on March 09, 2022, 12:22:26 PM
I found a workaround in the forums:,2211.msg10041.html#msg10041

I'll try it and report back.
Title: Re: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: robert.peetsalu on March 09, 2022, 01:35:36 PM
Quote from: robert.peetsalu on March 09, 2022, 12:22:26 PM
I found a workaround in the forums:,2211.msg10041.html#msg10041

I'll try it and report back.

Tried it and the result is - in Scribus 1.4.8 when you import an ODT file with formatted text into a textbox, then it keeps the text of the bullet points, but:
- The text of the bullet points switches to Arial and to a different font size even, if you have set the preferred font and size to your desired values in Preferences.
- The whole document loses bold and italic formatting and all links
- Line spacing, that is 15p everywhere in the imported document, became 11p in about half of the paragraphs and 15.28p in the rest of the paragraphs for some reason. I'd have to redo all formatting, which defeats the purpose of importing.

So no, this workaround doesn't actually work for importing formatted text.

Next I tried mass-replacing bullet points with something else that can be imported, but LibreOffice is not able to find bullet points in the document.

The next easiest solution I see (which I will use) is to:
1. Remove all list styling from the document.
2. Save it as an ODT file.
3. Import it to Scribus 1.5.x with Get text..
4. Manually add back all list styling.

This solution lets you keep all the rest of the formatting.
Title: Re: Can not import odt file lists
Post by: AdmFubar on March 12, 2022, 07:28:00 AM
            x              (x)                    robert,What version of software made the ODT document that you imported? This may be critical, as the 1.4 version of scribus may not handle a new ODT document correctly. the 1.5 version of scribus has better import filters. the 1.5 version may have a better chance of keeping the format of the older ODT document.