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Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Josiane77 - August 29, 2024, 05:31:45 PM
YES! that is what I am looking for.
But I do not know where to find it.
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Nermander - August 29, 2024, 05:22:49 PM
I think what you are looking for is distance between paragraphs?

Are two settings affecting this, distance before paragraph and distance after paragraph. (If you are aligning to the baseline grid this will affect the spacing too.)

In Scribus 1.5.8 (latest version I have installed) these are below the line spacing setting in the Paragraph styles.
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Josiane77 - August 29, 2024, 04:51:36 PM
From the example it is mostly the right side, all the white between the alineas.
How do I remove that?
If I reduce the line spacing the space between the lines change too.
So how do I keep the space between the lines and still reduce the space between the alineas?
General Discussion / Re: Need help - Scribus 1.6.1 ...
Last post by Dr. Mindermast - August 29, 2024, 04:47:10 PM
I hadn't dug into Scribus enough to see that "non-printing layers" is a thing, but yeah, that will probably save me a lot of headache in the future.  Thanks for the suggestion!
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Josiane77 - August 29, 2024, 04:42:12 PM

Here is a text for example.


General Discussion / Re: Need help - Scribus 1.6.1 ...
Last post by PatJr - August 29, 2024, 03:27:36 PM
I couldn't figure it out.
Cool looking document.

tip maybe?
put the comments on a separate non printing layer dedicated to the comments.
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by PatJr - August 29, 2024, 03:00:54 PM
Can you post a sample file and maybe a pic with some marks to show what space you are trying to reduce?
General Discussion / Re: Need help - Scribus 1.6.1 ...
Last post by Dr. Mindermast - August 29, 2024, 02:42:01 PM
Too large to copy directly into the forum, so I uploaded it here instead -

If you scroll down to page 7 in Scribus I put a red text box off to the side, that's where the problem first reared its head but like I mentioned in my last post it seems to be affecting other places too now, potentially the whole document...
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / removing the space from text
Last post by Josiane77 - August 29, 2024, 02:04:01 PM

I do not seem te be able to remove all the space around text.
How do I do that please?

If I adjust the spacing between text lines I still have to much white between alinea's.
How do I correct this?

Scripts and Plugins / Re: ScribusGenerator: can no l...
Last post by greg252 - August 29, 2024, 01:37:10 PM
I ran into the exact same problem and have come up with a workaround.
1) Create the template
2) In your images folder, duplicate one of the images
3) Rename the image %VAR_(the column name in your CSV file)%
4) Go into Get Info for the file in the Finder
5) Under Name and Extension, delete the extension
6) In Scribus, replace your image with the VAR image
7) Close the template
8) Delete the VAR image
9) Reopen the template
10) Run the script and save the file as SLA, not PDF
11) Open the new SLA file
12) Double click the missing image and click Search, Start Search (make sure directory is correct)
13) Click Apply To All Images
That will insert all of the images.

Sounds like a lot, but it's really quick to do.
Hope this helps.