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Beginner Talk / Re: Error while trying to open...
Last post by Nermander - July 05, 2024, 03:38:59 PM
1.4.6 is a very old version.

Try 1.6.2

I noticed though that when googling for "scribus download" you end up on an old wiki page saying 1.4.6 is the latest version....

Beginner Talk / Error while trying to open .ep...
Last post by Unbeknownst - July 05, 2024, 03:32:04 PM
Hi, I just installed Scribus 1.4.6 on my PC running Windows 11 Pro. I also installed  Ghostscript, after downloading it from their website. When I try to open a .eps file, I get the message: "Importing filename.eps failed!" Please advise as to what I should do to get the file to open in Scribus. Thanks in advance.
Beginner Talk / Re: Flowing text around an ima...
Last post by Leon_Heller - July 05, 2024, 12:16:05 PM
That works! Didn't think to try it.
Beginner Talk / Re: Flowing text around an ima...
Last post by a.l.e - July 05, 2024, 10:11:15 AM
And what does the second button from left tell?
Beginner Talk / Re: Flowing text around an ima...
Last post by Leon_Heller - July 05, 2024, 09:40:48 AM
Thanks. The left-most button tells me that text flow is disabled. I've selected the image frame which is in the middle of some text.
Scribus forums / Re: Authentication overkill?
Last post by AdmFubar - July 04, 2024, 05:47:12 PM
click the link you posted and in the search field type spam. it will list all the spam mods  available. i'm sure something there that can work for the forum.
Beginner Talk / Re: Flowing text around an ima...
Last post by a.l.e - July 04, 2024, 02:55:49 PM
use one of the ****ons n**t to the t**t flow label in the **ape section of the properties palette...
Beginner Talk / Flowing text around an image
Last post by Leon_Heller - July 04, 2024, 01:17:18 PM
According to the Wiki I should:

Select the "Use contour line" option, and the text should wrap around your object. You may realize that there's no margin between the object and the text. This can be adjusted by selecting the object and, on the "Shape" tab, clicking on "Edit".

Where the **** do I find the "Use contour line" option?
Scribus forums / Re: Authentication overkill?
Last post by a.l.e - July 04, 2024, 10:29:48 AM
AdmFubar: have you had a look at them?

If you find one that you think is useful for us, please post the link in here, with ideas on how to use it.

To me the biggest issue is, that we want new users to show up and directly ask questions (and possibly show us what the problem is with sample images and documents).
On the other side, the current users are very reactive and replies show up in a matter of minutes.

Also, it might be interesting to notice that most spam comes from "random" email addresses and ip addresses (banning / filtering them does not really help much).

From what I can tell, most of the mods simply forbid things or are based on rules on email / ip address.
Which is not really what we need / want.
General Discussion / Re: Grouping things across lay...
Last post by a.l.e - July 04, 2024, 10:07:37 AM
I have to admit it: when I started reading this thread (from the bottom up...), I was in the mindset: you must be doing it wrong.

But you have indeed a clever and efficient workflow.
And I don't have a better one to suggest.

Even if, contrary to AdmFubar, I don't think that grouping across layers would be useful for (m)any other users, it's probably worth to take it into consideration and I'd welcome a feature request.

This having been said, I'm not sure that it will be possible or easy to implement it.

I played around a bit and I see a few obstacles.

First: in Scribus, you can indeed select items accros layers (after you have enabled it in the layers dialog or by using the outline palette).
But grouping the items is then explicitly disabled.
There must be reasons for it.

Second: I fired up Inkscape and tried to group items from different layers.
It works, but all the items are moved to the same layer.
They also practically disabled it.

Thinking of what could be the reasons for disabling the grouping across layers, I came up with a few (non mutually exclusive) ones:

  • What happens if one of the concerned layer is locked? What can you move? What can you delete?
  • How should the "lower flow around" option behave if it's not the same on all concerned layers?
  • Does PDF (and the PDF readers) support grouping items from different layers? (or we need to split the group when exporting?)
  • How to display the group in the Outline palette?

There might be others...

Now, I have a (complex) workaround:

  • Create your all document in a single layer (you seem to only need the layers in the PDF...)
  • To each of your items add an attribute named "layer" with the name of the target layer as its value (if you're duplicating items (or taking them from the scrapbook) you only need to add the attributes to the "original" items).
  • Create a script that:
    • works on a copy of your document,
    • ungroups all the groups,
    • moves each item to the layer defined in the attribute,
    • disables the export (or remove) the original layer,
    • exports the result to PDF.
    • (yes, i can help with the script...)

Much less elegant than your workflow, but can get the job done.


Small break


Two more things:

There is already a closed ticket asking for grouping accross layers:
The reason for closing is: resolved.
So it might just be about enabling the command...

There is another workaround:
You can weld the "main" item to all other items instead of grouping them.
(you can only weld two items at a time...)
Then they move all at once.

And there is another issue that might be worth to be filled in the bug tracker:
If you select multiple items across layers, duplicating the selection will create all the items in the current layer.
It should be at least an option, to duplicate the items and keep them on the original layer.

Also: putting items from multiple layer into the scrapbook loses the layer information (which, again, is not a trivial issue, since the scrapbook is shared among documents).

Voilà, enough thoughts from my side for today.
Time for a coffee.