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PDF Generation / Re: Ridiculously large size of...
Last post by riczan - December 26, 2024, 10:10:17 PM
Hi Normander

Thanks for your reply.
In the collected output folder the .sla file is 788 KB, how is it possible that it can grow to 1 GB??
Out of 105 pictures 14 are .png, 3 are .webp, 1 is a .tif (but only 750 KB) and the rest are .jpg.
Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to bring that size down?
PDF Generation / Re: Ridiculously large size of...
Last post by Nermander - December 26, 2024, 08:53:43 PM
Often the issue is not the images but the text. As far as I understand Scribus places each glyph independetly. So instead of "Move cursor to X, Y, Insert string 'Hello world'" it will do:
Move cursor to X, Y, Insert glyph 'H'
Move cursor to X, Y, Insert glyph 'e'
Move cursor to X, Y, Insert glyph 'l'
Move cursor to X, Y, Insert glyph 'l'
Move cursor to X, Y, Insert glyph 'o'

Then when it comes to images, what format are the images? The PDF format can only handle a limited set of image types, so when creating the PDF the images may be converted to a different format causing them to grow.
PDF Generation / Ridiculously large size of out...
Last post by riczan - December 26, 2024, 08:13:06 PM
hi all

I have a 200 page document consisting of text and pictures.
Collecting it for output with uncompressed file and including fonts and colour profiles produces a folder of total size of 513MB.
When I create a PDF set to PDF 1.4 for Printer compressing text and vector graphics, compression method Lossless, quality Maximum, but no maximum image resolution I obtain a PDF of approximately 2.5 GB; however if I change to a maximum image resolution of 300 dpi the output PDF is now approximately 1.5 GB. Why the size difference between the output PDF and the collected files? How is it possible that combining 513 MB of files into one multiplies the overall size by 3 or 5 times??
BTW, I am using Scribus 1.5.8 on Windows 10.
General Discussion / Re: Stack overflow on loading
Last post by AdmFubar - December 26, 2024, 05:13:41 PM
What operating systems are you using? On the new machine did you just copy the sla and the images? or did you use collect for output on the old machine and copy that directory to the new  one?
General Discussion / Re: Stack overflow on loading
Last post by Nermander - December 26, 2024, 08:33:57 AM
Version 1.6.2 is the latest stable version, is it not?

I would download an run a program to test the memory. There are suites you can put on a USB drive and boot from that will be able run different memory test applications.
Beginner Talk / Re: Images not loading
Last post by RodneyLee - December 25, 2024, 02:27:30 PM
On the old computer use File/Collect For Output, copy that to the new computer and open Scribus and load the .SLA from that floder
Beginner Talk / Re: Images not loading
Last post by AdmFubar - December 25, 2024, 01:03:27 AM
There is an option to embed the image. Just keep in mind it will make your scribus sla file rather large depending on how many images and how large they are.
Beginner Talk / Re: Images not loading
Last post by Nermander - December 24, 2024, 11:47:59 PM
As far as I know Scribus stores the absolute path, unless you have done a Collect for output. So moving the SLA will break images (but there is an image manager that can be used to try to sort that out).
Beginner Talk / Re: Images not loading
Last post by Nickpanes - December 24, 2024, 01:44:46 PM
I have a similar problem with a new computer.  I file that still loads on my old computer fails to load on the new one which has loads of memory.  Am I right in assuming that all I need to do is ensure the .sla is in a folder which also contains the images folder?  In other words the positioning is relative to each other, not necessarily located in an identical address on the computer.  I have tried working with a reduced size set of images and with the image file absent completely but Scribus crashes when loading the book.  the cover, a separate .sla, loads fine.
Installation and Setup / Re: Change the colour of the p...
Last post by Nermander - December 22, 2024, 05:50:55 PM
That is called the "Scratch space" and under Preferences->Display you can change the size of it as well as the colour (under Colours tab).