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Showcase / November - My first book.
Last post by Irishlostboy - January 11, 2025, 07:35:47 AM
Hi all. I just want to post here to say thank you to the guys who made Scribus. I used it to layout my first book, a collection of 30 short stories, one for each day of November. The printer had zero difficulties in taking the PDF and printing it. I printed 80 copies mostly for my friends and the artists who I hired to illustrate the stories. There will be a few copies showing up in bookshops in Berlin, Frankfurt, and Galway in the near future, but that is about as far as my reach extends.

User Interface / Re: Indigo UI: Outline Palette
Last post by a.l.e - January 10, 2025, 07:35:37 PM
Personally, I feel that with that many icons on the right side.  the list gets busy and there is a risk to reduce its usefulness.

If only the items that do not print or are locked are marked as such, then they would stick out.

On the other side, it's also true that with your proposal, it would be easier to switch the state of multiple items that are listed close to each other.

I wonder a bit what would be most appreciated by the users.

A topic that I think has been discussed in the past, is a button to switch between a page and a document view.

Also, something I stumbled upon, while looking for something completely different:

After several years, I'm still convinced that deselecting the current item should not make the view in the outline jump around...
But I understand that it's not trivial to make the behavior obvious in every use case.

I think that it would be useful to create a new ticket and link it to the numerous ones that already exist to have an overview of all the wishes that have already been expressed....
User Interface / Re: Indigo UI: Outline Palette
Last post by bubu - January 09, 2025, 11:48:46 PM
Nitramr, this is exactly the kind of development Scribus needs. Thank you for keeping it going.

1) The insertion of a "master pages" and "document pages" header is useful for beginners. I remember when I first saw this panel, it was not trivial. OK.
- Just make the children indent smaller so the panel doesn't grow to the right, because there's less space there now.
- Let them have a different icon!
2) Layer color, locking status and visibility: Color: I like that it's so narrow! The print icon is very wide. Both icons should be as narrow as possible.
3) Edit names, toggle visibility and locking status: I like it!
4) Filter settings: Yes, it is useful.
5) I like that the unnecessary "Item" caption in the header has been removed. It was completely unnecessary. Thanks.

I suggest:
- 3 icon buttons (ala Inkscape) to the top (to the right top corner): delete selected items, move selected item up, move selected items down. Its difficult to select items, than right click and select up, and again right click and up, and again...
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Content Properties not tra...
Last post by a.l.e - January 09, 2025, 10:07:54 AM
in the bug tracker, martin mentioned his plans to create a customizable toolbar.

i've shortly summarized it in this new ticket:

i think that it's the simplest way to solve your issue.

if your company has (c++) developer resources to spend on this, you might want to get involved in the discussion and see how the new toolbar can be developed so that it you get to use it as soon as needed in your setup.
Layout Issues / Re: Separator line between col...
Last post by a.l.e - January 09, 2025, 09:57:57 AM
yep, that's the way to do that in scribus.

you can store the lines as a scrapbook item and get them inserted with a double click.

this having been said:
  • depending on the reason why you're adding the lines, you might want to consider, if you're not better off without them (i have seen many cases, where they are used to compensate for a layout that is way too dense)
  • multicolumn text frame frames can be the solution in some cases. in my experience, most of the teim creating real columns with guides and multiple frames is a better fit. (in that case it's slightly easier to exactly place the lines with the alignment tool; remark: in scribus you can also set the position as "width / 3 + 1cm"...)
Announcements and Forum Rules / Scribus 1.6.3 Released
Last post by MrB - January 08, 2025, 10:48:51 PM

We released Scribus 1.6.3 today, 8/1/25.

Download checksums in a similar story at

Installation and Setup / Re: Setting default dictionary
Last post by Nermander - January 08, 2025, 04:49:23 PM
Yes, the language is a property of styles. It can be set both for paragraph styles and character styles (the latter is useful for mixed languages in the same paragraph).
Layout Issues / Separator line between columns...
Last post by jirib - January 08, 2025, 01:21:10 PM
How to create a separator line between columns in multi-column text frame? Only manually via menu: Insert - Line?

Looking at eg. LibreOffice, it is possible: menu: Format - Columns and there is Separator line...
Installation and Setup / Re: Setting default dictionary
Last post by jirib - January 08, 2025, 10:19:04 AM
Not sure I understand the problem but if I understand correctly the spell checker uses language of the text itself: see the language for the actual text in 'Text Properties' window. I would prefer changing the languag for the text via a character style that is used for the text.
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Content Properties not tra...
Last post by abi - January 08, 2025, 08:12:40 AM
The plugin has an add button which reads text from a CMS via API and loads on the page, once the text block is loaded, we can right click on it and load Content Properties.

Since our plugin is also running and simultanously we try and open "Content Properties" it shows as locked. If we close the Plugin, immediately the "Content Properties" are unlocked and we can modify font and other options from content properties