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General Discussion / interesting news
Last post by IgraViorp - Today at 07:43:48 AM
Thanks, I've been looking for this for a long time
слоты гараж с деньгами
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Scipt "home made" take ver...
Last post by BN_Dev - Today at 03:28:05 AM
Does it just stop abruptly on 10 pages, or do you notice an exponential slow-down the more pages you run the script on?  What happens on 3 pages?  Then 4?
Text and Typography / Re: False Font Info
Last post by BN_Dev - Today at 03:25:54 AM
In latest SVN this behavior is also exhibited; I never noticed that before. I also think it should gray-out (or do *something*) to show that you have multiple attributes selected.
Beginner Talk / Re: Line up image boxes in col...
Last post by BN_Dev - Today at 03:20:47 AM
If you want to make an A4 booklet wouldn't you want your pages to be A5 portrait, and arrange them next to each other?  Or just put some columns in an A4 landscape page?

Facing pages:
General Discussion / Re: Plus Minus on Numpad Not W...
Last post by BN_Dev - Today at 03:07:02 AM
Bug found and fixed, patch submitted.  See

Incidentally when I was testing I found Ctrl++ was a default keyboard shortcut to zoom in but was not working; initially I thought was related until I realized I had to press shift to access the + or I was effectively pressing Ctrl+=.  The default shortcut should probably be changed to Ctrl+Shift++ if most keyboards have = under the +  :-X
Free discussion / Re: SPAM!
Last post by BN_Dev - Today at 01:09:40 AM
Interesting observation  :D
Features / Re: Suggestion : save to an ol...
Last post by MrB - October 15, 2024, 09:55:47 PM
If you have Scribus 1.7.0.svn installed (latest code from right now), it can now Save As to 1.5.8 format, as well as 1.7.0.svn's format. Note if you save as a 1.5.8 document.. and then hit save.. it will be back to 1.7.0.
Text and Typography / Re: Odt import - Paragraph sty...
Last post by AdmFubar - October 15, 2024, 09:44:54 PM
Most likely the importer library needs to be updated to handle the latest version of open document standard.
now if you open a  LO document in scribus 1.4 and save it, then open that 1.4 sla in a newer version of scribus are the styles are linked to the correct paragraph?
Text and Typography / Re: Odt import - Paragraph sty...
Last post by MrB - October 15, 2024, 09:41:25 PM
Would you mind submitting a sample document and description on Thanks, Craig
Features / HTML import in text frame
Last post by Ribus - October 15, 2024, 06:42:00 PM

For a long time now I use SCRIBUS - Terrific  8)

For many reasons, I have to separate words with " ¤ " before import html file. I use html because there the only way to get italic without work.

It works well, but I have a unknow problem, if in a line text change from normal to italic the last normal character is allways changed in italic.

In this case the coma after 2011 shows it.

<p lang="fr-BE" style="line-height: 100%; text-indent: -1.27cm; margin-left: 1.25cm; margin-bottom: 0.11cm">
<font size="2" style="font-size: 10pt">
<span lang="fr-FR">KOZOVOÏ ¤ Andreï, ¤ 2011, ¤ </span>
<span lang="fr-FR"><i>La ¤ Chute ¤ de ¤ l'Union ¤ soviétique ¤ (1982-1991)</i></span>
<span lang="fr-FR">, ¤ Paris, ¤ Taillandier. ¤ </span></font>

KOZOVOÏ Andreï, 2011, La Chute de l'Union soviétique (1982-1991), Paris, Taillandier.

It is the same with "(" opening before ibid in italic

<SPAN LANG="fr-FR"> &curren; des &curren;argotismes &curren; seraient &curren; &agrave; &curren; combattre &curren;pour &curren; pr&eacute;server &curren; cette &curren; sup&eacute;riorit&eacute;
&curren; (</SPAN>
<SPAN LANG="fr-FR"><I>ibid., &curren; </I></SPAN>
<SPAN LANG="fr-FR">1983,&curren; p. &curren; 107).</SPAN>

des argotismes seraient à combattre pour préserver cette supériorité (ibid., 1983, p. 107).

I think that is an index in a loop but in html import.

Many thanks,

P.S. It is not urgently problem   ;D