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Beginner Talk / Re: ICC Profiles on Scribus : ...
Last post by Nermander - Today at 10:52:46 AM
I am not an expert on color management, but those profiles look like what I would call "spot color profiles".

If you are using spot colors, I think you do not need a profile, you just need to define the spot colors in Scribus.
Beginner Talk / Embed/subset fonts: "Embed/sub...
Last post by kenerling - Today at 10:32:43 AM
Hi all,

A rapid, silly question but possibly useful for other beginners like me:

Setting: Scribus 1.6.2 on Windows 10 Home.

Function in question: File > Export > Save as pdf... > Fonts > Embedding mode > Embed or subset.

⇒ Am I correct that just choosing "Embed or subset" in the dropdown menu does not actually embed and subset the fonts? To actually embed or subset them, one has to click the "Embed all" and/or "Subset all" buttons underneath?

I'm asking because I just got a test photobook back from Blurb, and everything in Garamond or Bell MT font did not print (but things in Arial did). Blurb warns to embed the fonts, especially with Scribus, which I thought I had done by choosing "Embed or subset" in the dropdown menu, but I know I did not click the "Embed all" and "Subset all" buttons.

Bref, verifying that this was indeed user error on my part, and not a problem with Blurb.

Thanks and cheers!
Beginner Talk / Re: ICC Profiles on Scribus : ...
Last post by omblik - Today at 10:17:48 AM

With pleasure ! I began to have this guess too yesterday night.

Here is the link for the open-source ICC profiles I use for separation of colors for my files.

I guess you're right and the solution will simply be to do separation of colors for each a5 file I have to print in a big a3 for riso, and do the imposition after.

Beginner Talk / Re: Color of guides and snappi...
Last post by a.l.e - Today at 08:31:48 AM
voilà, it's in!

in 1.7.1, fewer clicks are needed to align and distribute!


it's not a huge difference, but all the actions are now displayed at once, and it's possible to develop some muscle memory : - )

concerning the settings for the snapping points: i'm still not sure about it.

in my eyes, a software should be comfortable to use, without the need to have its behavior to be configurable to the extreme.

of course, there are different type of users, but there are also different (types of) software.

in many cases, my policy is:
important things need to be fast and comfortable to do, everything that the user wants to do must be possible (but it might sometimes be cumbersome to perform and might need "external" tools).

in the specific case, before thinking of letting the user tweak the snapping points, i would wish the snapping to grid (in its current form*) to be removed from scribus: that would help many beginners learn good practices.

we will see...
Beginner Talk / Re: Import from InDesign?
Last post by mnawij - Today at 04:07:09 AM
Not sure if this will help:


I know there is a pages to upload the IDML file with a pdf of the same for the developers to look at current problems...if someone could help me point to the upload page that would be great.
Beginner Talk / Re: ICC Profiles on Scribus : ...
Last post by jghali - February 14, 2025, 11:36:30 PM

Could you upload some of these ICC profiles somewhere and paste the link here ? Due to the specific printing process, I suspect these profiles are N-Channel profiles which are not supported by Scribus.

Beginner Talk / Re: ICC Profiles on Scribus : ...
Last post by omblik - February 14, 2025, 10:19:18 PM

Thank you for your answer !

As I have said in my first post, I've already set  C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\drivers\color as a path for the Colour Profiles. I have restarted Scribus after this and I haven't found the ICCs of this path in the menu of "Colour Profile" after this. Maybe there is something really obvious that I don't understand ?

In what menu can I find those profiles after having set the path ?

For example in Photoshop you cannot find them in the section "Colors" but you have to select "Convert to  profile" in the Edit section. Maybe there is something analog in Scribus that I haven't found ?
PDF Generation / Re: Ridiculously large size of...
Last post by riczan - February 14, 2025, 09:41:25 PM
Final and conclusive update!
I have been running some tests, and they all lead to the same conclusion. Bear with me, I will give one example.
I took a 12MB JPG file spread over 2 pages and printed to PDF 1.4 with lossless compression and 300 dpi maximum resolution: the output file was 35MB.
I exported that 12MB JPG to TIF (29MB with LZW compression) and PNG (24MB); I then repeated the process and printed each one individually: to my surprise the resulting output file was 15MB for both.
I think we can conclude that Scribus handles lossy and lossless images in different ways, I have no idea how or why, but I am now converting all my JPGs to PNGs.

P.S. Just one note before I close: when adding images to a Scribus document make sure you set the PDF Compression in the Image Properties dialogue box to 'Global' for both Method and Quality (unless you want to enforce the settings from the Scaling section above).
Beginner Talk / Re: Text editing
Last post by utnik - February 14, 2025, 09:18:43 PM
hi pierruel

ok. it's the 'story editor'.
my guess is, that the editor opens somewhere outside of your screen. did you ever work with two screens? then it might be on the missing screen...
the position is stored in a preference file. either in 'prefs150.xml' or in 'scribus150.rc'. if you delete (or rename) those files or the folder 'scribus', where they are stored, scribus will rebuild the preferences – and with a bit of luck your story editor will be there again.
but as i already wrote, i would recommend to use the 'text properties' (in french 'propriétés du texte') to apply your styles. the 'story editor' ('éditeur de texte') is a dinosaur from ancient scribus times...

Beginner Talk / Re: ICC Profiles on Scribus : ...
Last post by a.l.e - February 14, 2025, 09:11:49 PM
in the preferences, you have a section called paths...

something is waiting for you there : - )

(you will probably need to restart scribus after having changed the values in there...)