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Scripts and Plugins / Re: Create custom functionalit...
Last post by AdmFubar - September 04, 2024, 09:05:40 PM
I take it that you find the auto backup feature lacking?
Scripts and Plugins / Create custom functionality on...
Last post by abi - September 04, 2024, 01:53:29 PM

I am trying to write some additional functionality when a user presses "Ctr + s" which is the default keyboard shortcut for saving the file, i want to create a file copy along with it with timestamp

Please let me know if anyone has tried to overwite the default keyboard shortcut functionality

Thank you

General Discussion / Character style not taken into...
Last post by nenex-ordi-libre - September 04, 2024, 10:48:05 AM

As I'm not an English speaker, I've translated my message with DeepL, I hope it will be understandable.

In Scribus 1.6.2 I created a character style. But it is not taken into account when I apply it to certain words.

Edit: I forgot to mention that it's in a model. I just realized that when I create a new document from this template the style is taken into account. I opened the template and the style is taken into account.



Dans Scribus 1.6.2 j'ai créé un style de caractére. Mais il n'est pas pris en compte quand je l'applique à certain mots.

Édit : j'ai oublié de préciser que c'est dans un modéle. Je viens de me rendre compte qu'en créant un nouveau document à partir de ce modèle le style est bien pris en compte. J'ai ouvert le modèle et là aussi le style est pris en compte.
Installation and Setup / Re: scribus on 4k display
Last post by tim_occ - September 03, 2024, 04:29:47 PM
hi busscri,

please, can you share a screenshot? I guess the icon scale is too small in 1.6.2. Scribus 1.7.0 has SVG based icons that will scale by your screen scale factor.

What is your scale factor in your Ubuntu display settings?
Scripts and Plugins / Re: How to view Error Logs for...
Last post by a.l.e - September 03, 2024, 11:13:56 AM
back from my holidays...

as far as i know, python does not log the erros to disk.

of course, you can catch all errors and write the exceptions to a file... but i'm not sure it's a good idea..

but if you start scribus from a terminal / console, you should be able to see the error from your python scripts.
on linux you will be able to redirect them to a text file.

this having been said, scribus should not crash because of programming errors in python scripts: do you have any example?
on the other side, if you happen to create an infinite loop, then, yes, you have a problem and need to force the closing of scribus (and you better do it before the script eats up all the resources...)

for what is worth, in the recent past, i've tried to start the scripts inside of a python debugger or to attach a debugger to a running script but had no luck with it.
that would be the right solution, if it worked.

personally when creating complex script, i first import a mock of the scripter API and run them outside of scribus.
(the mock only contains the few scribus commands i have already used in my "complex" scripts)
in this way, i have much faster developing cycle and i can stick to my habits when debugging.
Text and Typography / Re: Column flow
Last post by utnik - September 03, 2024, 09:51:23 AM
hi paul

unfortunately this is missing im scribus.
i used to place a separate frame on top of the normal frame with the columns and let the text in the normal frame flow around the 'title' and/or 'leading text' frame.
it's just a workaround. you need to adjust the frame when editing the leading text. but for smaller projects it is doable.
this was requested as a useful feature a couple of years ago.

Text and Typography / Re: Text frame spacing
Last post by BN_Dev - September 03, 2024, 04:23:46 AM
Thanks both, you are correct and that's the solution we were looking for hiding away there.
Text and Typography / Column flow
Last post by BN_Dev - September 03, 2024, 04:22:28 AM
Hi folks,

(apologies for repost, the image was not showing and there was no post edit feature)

Is there an analogous feature in Scribus for the QuarkXPress "column flow" feature?  This enables a single text frame to take a paragraph (normally the first) out of the normal column flow and wrap it over 1-n columns, and apply separate formatting to it.

It's super useful for keeping a headline and story together in one text frame that can be repositioned and resized, without having to create various different frames and group them and manually modify them when you want to change the layout.  This makes the layout process super quick and easy.

Many thanks,
Installation and Setup / Re: scribus on 4k display
Last post by busscri - September 02, 2024, 09:03:38 PM
Hi AdmFubar, thanks.

interesting software but I dont think that is exactly what I was searching for. Might try it anyways. but seems a bit of understanding how things work behind the hood of kde qt based apps....
Beginner Talk / Re: [SOLVED] More table border...
Last post by AdmFubar - September 02, 2024, 07:29:42 PM
I was playing with the table options just now, and discovered there are two separate options to formatting the lines of a table in  1.6.1. One it to do the outside only. i.e. the top,bottom,left and right borders of the table. The other is to do the insides of the table, i.e the table cells.

However niether work correctly. (at least as far af 1.6.1) as when changing the outer borders only the top and left of the table are changed. You have select the cells in the table to change the rest, the cell boarders and the right and bottom boarders.. I'm about to head out the door, for a family get together as it is a holiday here. Will show more detail when i return.