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Quote from: ehbowen on December 03, 2024, 03:31:20 PMPossibly I'm confused as to how Scribus handles bleeds. Is there documentation on that?the screenshot in post #5 shows that you generated your .pdf without the bleeds. ('pre-press' tab in the .pdf export window...)
Here's what I'm expecting when I set up a document with bleeds:
- Page Size = Final trimmed size (in this case, 5.25" x 8", or 10.5" x 8" for the full double page spread
- Bleed = Area outside the trimmed page which is to be printed with color, with the intent of trimming to give a "fully printed page" (marginless) feel. In this case, it would be .08".
- Margin = Area not to be printed, either for layout or (in this case) technical Xerox WorkCentre requires a minimum page margin of .1614" on all sides.
- Output page size = full size of the media to be printed on, in this case US Letter-sized bond paper (8.5" x 11").
Am I off with any of this?
Quote...I couldn't find an option to format it for output as a booklet, either within Scribus or in the printer settings i said before, i don't know okular. maybe it has no 'booklet' function.
image =
width, height = image.size # Get image dimensions
# Convert pixels to Scribus points (assuming 72 DPI)
#width_pts = 40
#height_pts = 40
width = 40
height = 40
dpi = 300
width_pts = width * 72 / dpi
height_pts = height * 72 / dpi
# Set default position for image
x_pos, y_pos = -80, 80
# Create and load image into Scribus frame
image_frame = scribus.createImage(x_pos, y_pos, width_pts, height_pts)
scribus.loadImage(image_path, image_frame)
scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(True, True, image_frame)
Quote from: ehbowen on December 03, 2024, 06:42:49 AM...By the way, if I was to go back to my original four-page there a PDF option which will print it correctly as far as page order? I couldn't find it and ended up moving the back cover to Page 1.the usual way would be to generate a standard layout with 'facing pages' and the first page on the right side and print it as a 'booklet' (many .pdf readers allow this by default.)