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Beginner Talk / Re: Insert ellipsis
Last post by mariuszkisling - July 26, 2024, 07:00:00 PM
Also, check if your font supports ellipses as a liguture and is it allowed in the font style, that could be easier than replacing
Beginner Talk / Aligning text on a character
Last post by mariuszkisling - July 26, 2024, 06:57:46 PM
Is there a way to align lines on a mark or character? Something like amsmath's alignment, where you can easily align multiline equations on the equal sign. Haven't found anything like it and scripting it sounds kinda messy.

intended result:

   topic 1 * page 16
  topic 78 * pages 18 -24
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of text selection is...
Last post by PatJr - July 26, 2024, 03:50:50 PM
OK, on the menu bar
Windows>Content Properties
Text and Typography / Re: typografie komt niet mee
Last post by VHLHB - July 26, 2024, 11:07:45 AM
Bedankt voor je suggestie. Via conversie naar odt lukt het inderdaad om cursieve tekst door te sturen. Nadeel is dat conversie van docx naar odt veel foutjes genereert.


Thanks for your suggestion. By converting to odt it is indeed possible to forward italic text. The disadvantage is that converting from docx to odt generates many errors.
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of text selection is...
Last post by Jokel - July 26, 2024, 09:39:25 AM
Thanks. F3 does not work for me. I am on a Mac. F3 is for desktop stuff.
Text and Typography / Re: typografie komt niet mee
Last post by sersha - July 26, 2024, 08:02:24 AM
Quote from: VHLHB on July 25, 2024, 04:01:38 PMI have been using Sribus for years to create our historical magazine. When I transfer text from Word to Scribus, some typography is not included, such as italics and footnotes. How do I solve that?

There are 2 factors to a successful transfer of formatted text to Scribus. First, your chosen font should have true italics or bold etc. in it. Second, I had no success of moving text directly from Word file, but it worked after converting it to LibreOffice .odt and importing that instead.
Footnotes though, was a manual job.
Best regards, S.
General Discussion / Re: Update to 1.5.6 for MacOS ...
Last post by ronaldrogers - July 26, 2024, 06:49:51 AM
Quote from: anatolewilson on July 09, 2024, 08:41:11 AMI want to say thanks for the update to 1.5.6 for MacOS Catalina. I had big issues with text wrap around images and the new version appears to have d the random word-splitting that was occurring around pix. I am new to Scribus, but have just made two monthly editions of a magazine with it. Great program. Thanks.
I also have the same issue with text wrap around images :(
General Discussion / Re: Looking for Advice on Usin...
Last post by PatJr - July 25, 2024, 11:50:50 PM
tables in scribus are a bit primitive
can you post up a sample file as an example of a table you would want to import into scribus?
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of text selection is...
Last post by PatJr - July 25, 2024, 11:45:50 PM
try F3 and make direct fine-tuning adjustments
but that is kind of a brute force method and defining a style could be a little more flexible 
Beginner Talk / Color of text selection is whi...
Last post by Jokel - July 25, 2024, 09:16:05 PM
Hey folks, selected text is white. How do I change that to maybe blue, like in most videos seen? thanks in advance. (no need for text background or highlight, just selection color)