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Beginner Talk / Re: Page Numbers not showing
Last post by Nermander - August 25, 2024, 08:57:08 PM
The "normal" solution usually is to place the page number text frames on Master pages, and for pages where you do not want the page number to appear you use Master pages without the page number text frame.

But maybe using None for number style is supposed to achieve the same thing.

I think the X in the number text frame is overflow? I.e. the page number does not fit in the frame.
Beginner Talk / Re: Page Numbers not showing
Last post by PelesDaughter - August 25, 2024, 07:38:53 PM
Quote from: utnik on August 25, 2024, 06:43:45 PMi wonder why the style is set to 'none' – and why almost all the sections are defined in reverse order. but that might not really be connected with your problem.
the box with the cross looks like a text overflow. this happens, when the text box is too small, but sometimes you think that it is big enough but it doesn't match with the baseline grid...
if i could see your document, i might be able to help. (but i'm sailing at the moment and my only internet access is when we are in a harbour...)


Some of the Styles are set to None because I don't want numbers displayed on those pages.

I hadn't even seen the Reverse thing. I de-checked all of those boxes, but it didn't change anything (I didn't think it would).

That would be great. As this is a book that is going up for sale, I am sending you a PM of the file.
Beginner Talk / Re: Page Numbers not showing
Last post by utnik - August 25, 2024, 06:43:45 PM
i wonder why the style is set to 'none' – and why almost all the sections are defined in reverse order. but that might not really be connected with your problem.
the box with the cross looks like a text overflow. this happens, when the text box is too small, but sometimes you think that it is big enough but it doesn't match with the baseline grid...
if i could see your document, i might be able to help. (but i'm sailing at the moment and my only internet access is when we are in a harbour...)

Beginner Talk / [SOLVED] Page Numbers not show...
Last post by PelesDaughter - August 25, 2024, 05:57:57 PM
Hi folks. I'm almost finished with formatting my book, and have been assigning page number with Sections, but baffled that no page numbers are appearing. What is even weirder is that for a second, maybe while I had the Sections editing box still up or maybe not, I saw them, but then they disappeared. I have tried closing and re-opening the program. I also browsed around in the search and found some topics with similar titles, but wasn't able to garner a solution. Any advice?

(the first image shows a very mysterious x in a box on page 3 in the corner where page numbers should be. this is the only page in the document with such a box. It is also a page which I have designated as having no numbers)
Beginner Talk / Re: Coordinates not updating w...
Last post by AdmFubar - August 24, 2024, 02:39:54 PM
After you move your group, ungroup and group them again.
Beginner Talk / Coordinates not updating when ...
Last post by Draugwen - August 24, 2024, 05:44:12 AM
I am trying to align various groups of pictures in a very specific way, and I noticed that if I move a group, the coordinates of the items within that group are still displaying the previous position. Is there any way to fix this?
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: Importing complete PDF pag...
Last post by Flaxx - August 23, 2024, 09:54:47 PM
Quote from: a.l.e on August 19, 2024, 09:48:07 AMwith the current scribus 1.6 you don't need ghostscript for importing pdfs as vectors.

you might need it if you load it as an image in an image frame.
but that's probably not what you want.
Nice that such an aged thread is still alive.  8)

Actually I was hoping that either table import from .ods or .pdf import with readable text would work in 1.6. Unfortunately it doesn't (html is reduced to pure text, too). Text in vectors looks nice but doesn't help blind or nearly blind people. Producing tables in Scribus is still a pain.

The best I can do momentary is leaving one or two blank pages, setting up footers and headers in LibreOffice, exporting the result to PDF (twice, because of the different paper sizes and margins needed). This way the result can be included, with some more steps to do as well.  :(

I'm voluntarily working to produce a monthly newspaper aiming elder people where some need a text to speech translation, even for tables. This means all the nice picture solutions doesn't work. I really would wish that Scribus could import the way Inkscape does. The text would be recognised and even the used font and size. As Inkscape is FOS the related code should be available (of course it would need adaption).

It would be sufficient as well if PDF objects could be embedded in Scribus untouched as they are (text still readable). The way it is at the moment is fully sufficient for printed papers. In my case I'm producing one version for screen readers and one printed version needing 3 mm trim around and higher resolution. Both are finally done in a minute or less by using (almost) the same Scribus PDF-export.

So pleeeese, make imported pdf readable!  :-*

Text and Typography / A.I (really M.L.) Font creatio...
Last post by AdmFubar - August 23, 2024, 02:50:09 AM
Beginner Talk / Re: More table border issues.....
Last post by PelesDaughter - August 22, 2024, 06:53:39 PM
Quote from: PatJr on August 22, 2024, 05:59:37 PMI've had some trouble with this too.
One thing I have found that helped me was clicking in the cell I wanted to change then drag select to the left or whatever then carefully drag back to just the one cell I want to change so it's the only cell selected. Then I can usually dittle with the boarders in the Table Properties dialog.

Hmm. When I try that, the border options are greyed out. But apparently we have a solution...

Quote from: utnik on August 22, 2024, 06:49:26 PMi downloaded your file, opened it with scribus1.6.2, selected all the table cells, went to the 'table properties' selected the '1 pt solid line' and defined its color as 'none'.
all the table borders disappeared. (i didn't care about the 2 pt line around the 'cancer' cell...)


Thank you!!!
Beginner Talk / Re: More table border issues.....
Last post by utnik - August 22, 2024, 06:49:26 PM
i downloaded your file, opened it with scribus1.6.2, selected all the table cells, went to the 'table properties' selected the '1 pt solid line' and defined its color as 'none'.
all the table borders disappeared. (i didn't care about the 2 pt line around the 'cancer' cell...)
