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General Discussion / Re: [SOLVED] Need help - Scrib...
Last post by AdmFubar - August 30, 2024, 04:13:08 AM
I've collected font over the years and was stress testing scribus with how many it can recognize, it loses it marbles somewhere after 14,000 entries.
General Discussion / Re: [SOLVED] Need help - Scrib...
Last post by Dr. Mindermast - August 30, 2024, 03:00:35 AM
I think it came already installed on this computer actually - I've spent more time than I care to admit downloading crazy fonts for titles and stuff, but I don't think I've ever intentionally downloaded a "just plain legible" font since Windows comes with so many already.
General Discussion / Re: Need help - Scribus 1.6.1 ...
Last post by AdmFubar - August 30, 2024, 02:53:37 AM
Could be the font was designed out of spec, or more likely, it was corrupted in some way from where ever you had obtained it.

Note to developers: might be something to look into. Hsving a more gracefull handing of fonts that produce errors.  We've found a font that is questionable.

What got me looking at the fonts, was a wonky scribus config. Works with my files, finds fonts as it should but wouldnt with yours. Exited scribus an renamed the config directory, and restarted scribus, it will recreate the default config. You file then loaded, it would't keep the path to the fonts directoy i was using. but only after i made the substitutions in window that opens. not sure if it was just my setup or the font. It dawned on me then to try alternate similar fonts. ;)
General Discussion / Re: Need help - Scribus 1.6.1 ...
Last post by Dr. Mindermast - August 30, 2024, 01:53:48 AM
That did it!  Kind of!

I was able to download your version with the changed font, and when I messed around with that it worked okay.  So then I opened my version that I had uploaded, and changed the font (I didn't have the exact same one you did, but another in the same family at least), and it was successful!  I could add space and paragraphs and headers and still save without crashing.

Then I switched back to my original font and it crashed again.  Other fonts worked fine, both TT and OT, but the one I wanted didn't.  Got mixed results when working with what I assume are related ones - Century Schoolbook (my original one) failed, as did Century and CenturySchL, but Century Gothic was able to save successfully.

And then one more experiment - I took your version, changed it back to my font, and that was able to save successfully.

So it looks like my problem might actually be solved (and thank you so much for that!).  Any idea why the font would have created this problem?
General Discussion / Re: Need help - Scribus 1.6.1 ...
Last post by AdmFubar - August 29, 2024, 09:07:15 PM
I cant see any issue with the .sla file, however i am having issues with the fonts you are using. I added them to my system and when i exit scribus and reload your .sla, scribus prompts to substiute fonts, then doesnt load them.

I'm going to change the body text fonts to another and see if this clears the issue.

Swapped fonts. Let me know if this works for you.
Windows / Re: Scribus freezes at Creatin...
Last post by AdmFubar - August 29, 2024, 09:02:32 PM
Might be a config issue. Navigate to where your scribus config file is, make sure you exit scribus first, and rename the config file. (it will be a directory that has several files in it), then restart scribus, you wll lose some paths if you had them set, but you can re-add them later if needed.
Windows / Scribus freezes at Creating Fo...
Last post by HeatherH. - August 29, 2024, 07:00:41 PM
Yesterday when I tried opening a Scribus file, Scribus wouldn't open. It freezes and says "Creating Font Caches" and I have to close the program via Task Manager. I've been using version 1.4.6 since 2015 so I installed 1.6.2 but the same problem is happening. I uninstalled 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 (which was also on my computer) and 1.6.2 then reinstalled 1.6.2 and the same problem happened. Now I have 1.6.3.svn (console) installed with the same problem happening. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

Much appreciation,
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Josiane77 - August 29, 2024, 05:31:45 PM
YES! that is what I am looking for.
But I do not know where to find it.
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Nermander - August 29, 2024, 05:22:49 PM
I think what you are looking for is distance between paragraphs?

Are two settings affecting this, distance before paragraph and distance after paragraph. (If you are aligning to the baseline grid this will affect the spacing too.)

In Scribus 1.5.8 (latest version I have installed) these are below the line spacing setting in the Paragraph styles.
Tutorials, Tips and How-Tos / Re: removing the space from te...
Last post by Josiane77 - August 29, 2024, 04:51:36 PM
From the example it is mostly the right side, all the white between the alineas.
How do I remove that?
If I reduce the line spacing the space between the lines change too.
So how do I keep the space between the lines and still reduce the space between the alineas?