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General Discussion / Re: Font list is garbled
Last post by Riquez - February 02, 2025, 10:57:00 AM
Quote from: a.l.e on February 02, 2025, 08:53:43 AMi fear that wayland might be the problem here.

would you mind trying with the devel version? has an appimage...

The 1.7.0 App image works fine.
I tried the in-app themes: fusion, win, & the blank default option - all function fine with the font list. (it looks very good!)

Also, the Line tab Pattern dropdown list showing ---- ____ etc worked fine. On my version of 1.6.2 that list is entirely blank (50 blank options).

EDIT: Ill add that my OS is in dark-mode. So 1.6.2 uses dark mode. Could that be an issue?
1.7.0 is in light-mode & i couldnt find an option to select dark mode.
I tried setting my OS to light mode & then launching 1.6.2, but it remains in dark mode.
General Discussion / Re: Font list is garbled
Last post by a.l.e - February 02, 2025, 08:53:43 AM
i fear that wayland might be the problem here.

would you mind trying with the devel version? has an appimage...
General Discussion / Re: Font list is garbled
Last post by Riquez - February 01, 2025, 07:15:21 PM
I have the exact same issue. Also using Manjaro. (gnome/wayland)
Laptop is AMD Ryzen 5 4500U, 24GB ram

Scribus 1.6.2
I tried various themes in scribus, all present the same issue.
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of guides and snappi...
Last post by kenerling - February 01, 2025, 12:25:57 PM
Quote from: a.l.e on January 29, 2025, 11:05:32 PM... and now kerneling will start counting the key that need to be pressed : - )
Hold on! I'm still winded from the last demonstration!  ;)

Quote from: a.l.e on January 30, 2025, 09:16:35 AMbtw, concerning the usage of the align and distribute tool, i've opened a ticket
Cool! Thanks!

Quote from: a.l.e on January 30, 2025, 09:16:35 AMi already regularly have to fight the snapping heuristic
Yes, in just my month or so with Scribus, I've already noticed that snapping can be a battle, especially when "Snap to grid" is activated.

Quote from: a.l.e on January 30, 2025, 09:16:35 AMpersonally, my wish would be to make the center element snapping optional (with a preference/setup switch)
That is exactly what I was thinking, to make snapping more manageable when there's lots of snapping interference. However, I would take it a step further, and make all of the snap points optional. So, with any frame, the user could indicate to snap with only the upper-left corner, or only the upper-right-corner, or only the left edge, etc.. Even better would be the possibility of combining them, e.g., activate snapping with the upper-left corner and the frame center, but none of the other frame corners or edges would snap.

That ability, to snap using only X part of the frame, in combination with the choices at Page > Snap to (...), would give, I think, great flexibility to snapping.

I would also suggest (I know this isn't the place, but while we're discussing things) making the page edge and margins separate from the guides. And one other big one that I saw and agree with elsewhere, is the ability to snap to the bleed edge. So, imagine at Page > Snap to (...):

Snap to grid
Snap to bleed edge
Snap to page edge
Snap to margins
Snap to guides
Snap to items

All that said, I do want to add that as I'm wrapping my head around the program, I'm finding it to be a very satisfying piece of programming.

Cheers to all!
Code / Re: PythonAPI and groups
Last post by MrB - January 30, 2025, 09:05:07 PM
There is the function getGroupItems(), so not sure what you're trying to do. Maybe some sample code? If some function is missing in Scripter, then we can add it.
Code / PythonAPI and groups
Last post by tropion - January 30, 2025, 05:07:39 PM
Is there a good reason for why the PythonAPI can not access objects in groups?
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of guides and snappi...
Last post by a.l.e - January 30, 2025, 04:11:46 PM
page width is... pagewidth : - )

ah, btw, iirc there was a bug with the colors of the guides, but should be fixed in the latest releases...
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of guides and snappi...
Last post by Nermander - January 30, 2025, 04:03:44 PM
I recall some program (probably CAD) where when snapping you kind of got a tool where you moved the mouse in circles around the position to select what to snap to... It may have been AutoCAD 35 years ago :)
Beginner Talk / Re: Color of guides and snappi...
Last post by Nermander - January 30, 2025, 04:02:01 PM
Quote from: a.l.e on January 29, 2025, 11:05:32 PM2. in the x field of the pp append "-width/2"

I wasn't sure if the width variable was for the object width or the page width. But it is the object then?

I think I have placed guides in the middle of the page using "width/2".
Code / Keyboard shortcuts for bold an...
Last post by a.l.e - January 30, 2025, 03:32:50 PM
Recently, I've seen people asking again for Scribus having shortcuts for bold and italics.

I gave my standard answer ("it's more complicated than you think"). I also wrote about two possible workarounds (one works in 1.7 -- adding a python script in the script menu and using the action search -- the other needs a patch that is in pending review in the bug tracker, using the style applier based on the action search).
The explanation had a few more details than usual.

After having written that, I was inspired to sketch a way to implement this feature in a "simpler" way.

In short:

  • Scribus gets two actions, "Apply Bold" and "Apply Italics", with a shortcut attached (by default ctrl+shift+b and ctrl+shift-i)
  • The actions are based on three heuristics, two based on rules provided by the user (font styles to be replaced, char styles to be replaced) and one automatic (an automatic algorithm)
  • The action is performed by applying the first matching rule

Here some more details

  • If the user has defined a font replacement ("Noto Sans Regular" -> "Noto Sans Bold") that matches, it will be applied.
  • If the user has defined a char style replacement ('My fancy char' -> 'My fancy bold') that matches, it will be applied.
  • Otherwise, Scribus has an algorithm that helps finding the matching bold face (if the font has a 'bold' face, apply it; if the current face is 'demi' and there is a 'book' face, apply it...). We can improve the algorithm step by step. Enabling the "automatic" step is optional.
  • In a first step, it's an action, not a state switch: it goes through the selected text and switches between bold and "regular", or in the other direction depending, on what matches.
    This allows us to implement the feature without touching at the text representation in memory or in the file.
  • In a second step, the data structure will track if bold has been applied or not, allowing to correctly detect, if the bold face has been applied to all or part of the selection.
    A three states buttons can then be added to the content palette and the feature will work as the user is used from other applications.

My plan is to let defined The rules in the document settings (and maybe also in the preferences: people use different fonts and styles in different documents; not sure how useful global rules can be).
It will be possible to export and import the rules and it should be possible to inherit them by using document templates.

Here a list of tickets that relate to this feature:

I've created a first draft of the configuration dialog:


Voilà: any feedback?