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Free discussion / Re: Book Layout
Last post by utnik - November 28, 2024, 10:45:23 AM
hi ashokdaga

Quote from: ashokdaga on June 12, 2020, 08:38:00 AMHello Everyone,

I am new here; using Scribus 1.4.8...
i would recommend 1.6.2 – but this won't solve your problem...

Quote...I wanted to insert 230 more pages. However when I do that my text frames go and snap to top margin even though 'snap to margin' is not selected.
there is no 'snap to margin'. the margins are treated as guides. if 'snap to guides' is checked, items will snap to the margins as well as to your separate guide 0.2" below the top margin.
(if you use 'automatic text frames', they will always be created to the margins.)

PDF Generation / Prepress: any tips for authori...
Last post by mperonen - November 27, 2024, 12:42:56 PM
I recently made a 4-page long layout job and sent it for printing. I recieved some comments:
1. the "Fonts were broken, and the structrue was strange".
2. Apparently the cursive and bold were done programmically (is this a reference to OTF, programmatic fonts?).

Also they sent me a screenshot of their PDF-authorize tool and I can see the following errors:
1. Font is not valid (134 matches on 2 pages)
2. TrueType font has differences to standard encoding but is not a symbolic font (14326 matches on 4 pages)
3. Wrong encoding for non-symbolic TrueType font (14326 matches on 4 pages)
4. Number of pages is more than 1 (weird error)

I wish to learn to correct my process to make quality PDF:s with Scribus if possible.
Thank you for any possible tips.
Beginner Talk / Re: White space at the end of ...
Last post by sersha - November 23, 2024, 05:32:46 PM
Create text,select the right font size
Create shape
Convert shape to path (Item-Convert to-Path)
Select both
Item-Path Tools-Attach text to path
In the text properties go to Path Text Properties, Start Offset
Increase until the start of text is in the right position
With the font size or kerning (Text properties-Advanced Settings) adjust the text,  until the end of text ends where you want
Save! ;)
Code / Re: Proposal for new SLA file ...
Last post by MrB - November 23, 2024, 12:01:03 PM
All the ideas are great. They just need ordering so they fit with releases etc.

I think they can be worked on simultaneously too.
Beginner Talk / Re: Images are gone when expor...
Last post by AdmFubar - November 22, 2024, 04:46:18 PM
I'll bet you have the image set as not printable. Right lick the offending image and select the info entry, the last entry in the list should be the printing status.

If set not to print, then you need to go Properties panel, and in the section labled Levels, there are two rows of buttons to the right. Second row last button, should say enable disable export of  object. I'll bet this button is set to not print the object. click the button and check the status of the image again and see it the printing has been enabled.
Beginner Talk / White space at the end of text...
Last post by AmazingBite - November 22, 2024, 03:13:59 PM

I'm new to this software and I'm trying to make a cover for a book.
I wanted to have the title in an arc of circle.
I did a Bézier curve and assigned it to the text.
To make the title go from left to right I used the forced justification but a white space remains at the end which ruins the symmetry.

Here an image

Sorry for my english, I hope you understood my problem and can help me.
Have a nice day :)
Beginner Talk / Re: Images are gone when expor...
Last post by utnik - November 22, 2024, 01:50:48 AM
hi fernanda

is this a problem with every scribus file or just one misbehaving document?

Code / Re: Proposal for new SLA file ...
Last post by tim_occ - November 22, 2024, 01:06:39 AM
Craig, I agree with your arguments, including that Scribus needs improvements to basic features first, such as tables, vector path editing, master pages, and more.

The collaborative work aspect naturally adds more complexity to the topic, and a new file format can be given lower priority. It was just an idea I had in mind.
Beginner Talk / Images are gone when exported ...
Last post by fernanda - November 21, 2024, 09:06:48 PM

I use Scribus 1.6.1 on mac and whenever I try to export or print to pdf, the images are not visible. There is just empty space where they should be.

I have used Scribus several times before and have never had this issue. Does anyone have suggestions on what I could try to fix this??
Thank you!
Installation and Setup / Re: scribus on 4k display
Last post by a.l.e - November 21, 2024, 08:32:03 PM
if you can compile scribus yourself, you can try the development branch scribus 1.7 ...

it uses the newest Qt and might correctly support higher resolutions.

... and, now, you can even save from 1.7 into 1.6 format! (so no warning about not being able to open the file with a stable version of scribus : - )

if you're not happy with it, i can check with my old Dell laptop, how i had set it up there (but i was just setting the QT_SCALE_FACTOR and/or accepting that everything was very small)