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Features / HTML import in text frame
Last post by Ribus - Today at 06:42:00 PM

For a long time now I use SCRIBUS - Terrific  8)

For many reasons, I have to separate words with " ¤ " before import html file. I use html because there the only way to get italic without work.

It works well, but I have a unknow problem, if in a line text change from normal to italic the last normal character is allways changed in italic.

In this case the coma after 2011 shows it.

<p lang="fr-BE" style="line-height: 100%; text-indent: -1.27cm; margin-left: 1.25cm; margin-bottom: 0.11cm">
<font size="2" style="font-size: 10pt">
<span lang="fr-FR">KOZOVOÏ ¤ Andreï, ¤ 2011, ¤ </span>
<span lang="fr-FR"><i>La ¤ Chute ¤ de ¤ l'Union ¤ soviétique ¤ (1982-1991)</i></span>
<span lang="fr-FR">, ¤ Paris, ¤ Taillandier. ¤ </span></font>

KOZOVOÏ Andreï, 2011, La Chute de l'Union soviétique (1982-1991), Paris, Taillandier.

It is the same with "(" opening before ibid in italic

<SPAN LANG="fr-FR"> &curren; des &curren;argotismes &curren; seraient &curren; &agrave; &curren; combattre &curren;pour &curren; pr&eacute;server &curren; cette &curren; sup&eacute;riorit&eacute;
&curren; (</SPAN>
<SPAN LANG="fr-FR"><I>ibid., &curren; </I></SPAN>
<SPAN LANG="fr-FR">1983,&curren; p. &curren; 107).</SPAN>

des argotismes seraient à combattre pour préserver cette supériorité (ibid., 1983, p. 107).

I think that is an index in a loop but in html import.

Many thanks,

P.S. It is not urgently problem   ;D
Text and Typography / Re: False Font Info
Last post by AdmFubar - Today at 04:32:42 PM
what version are you using?
Beginner Talk / Re: Line up image boxes in col...
Last post by Madcap Piktures - Today at 04:26:07 PM
Just a single A4, book fold, double sided. Basically a flyer, more than a folder, tbh.
Text and Typography / Re: Odt import - Paragraph sty...
Last post by LanceNY - Today at 02:35:02 PM
Hey all,

\It's a shame there hasn't been a dev response. It would seem that if it worked in 1.4, the input modules from that might be able to be replaced?

At any rate, what is the best workflow at this point? I'm starting a long form (a few hundred page) book. It is written in LibreOffice and can be saved/exported in any format.

I'm assuming DOCX is the best from what is said above. But should I bother doing formatting in Libre, and which type? And what would be best left until after import into Scribus?

Much appreciated!
Text and Typography / False Font Info
Last post by LanceNY - Today at 02:14:30 PM
Hello folks, I'm new here, so excuse me if this has been discussed. I took a quick look around and didn't see this subject, so here goes...

As you can see in the image, I have highlighted across two very different typefaces and sizes. And yet, the typography pallet, instead of having the font and size entrees go blank (indicating more than one is selected), it keeps those data-points filled with the info from just one of the selected fonts.

Clearly this will be confusing, especially when one highlights a lot of text, and similar looking text. Is there a fix or work-around?

Thanks in advance!
General Discussion / Plus Minus on Numpad Not Worki...
Last post by SirMix - Today at 06:08:21 AM
I run Scribus 1.6.1 on Mint 22 and the Plus Minus keys on the numpad are not working in combination with the CTRL-key for zooming in and out.
I can configure the shortcuts in the menu by using the numpad plus/minus keys, but they do not zoom. The CRTL+0 on the numpad works.
Free discussion / SPAM!
Last post by AdmFubar - Today at 12:02:23 AM
After studying the recent spat of spam on the forums, I've concluded that they subject line are actually a very strange type a haiku..

I provide the subject lines here for those who have  missed them
Check-up, through the excoriate of one's teeth a probe

Examination, fair-haired a fling
Enquiry, rightful a fling
Standard, by the skin of one's teeth a test
Survey, fair-haired a trial
Evidence, at hand the hull of sole's teeth a probe
Proof, at hand the excoriate of one's teeth a check up on
Bolster, precisely a trial
Bolster, fair a plumb
Test, by the outer layer of one's teeth a check up on up on
Evidence, legal a plumb
Proof, rightful a probe
Survey, all right a evaluation
Proof, at hand the hull of one's teeth a repress up on
Bolster, very recently a check up on
Test, precisely a plumb
Assay, very recently a check up on up on

Beginner Talk / Re: Line up image boxes in col...
Last post by AdmFubar - October 14, 2024, 10:25:45 PM
Quote from: Madcap Piktures on October 14, 2024, 08:54:24 PMWhat I'm trying to create is a landscape A4 folder with four columns and five rows, where I can put images (CDs/LPs) and text underneath respective image to showcase merchandise.
A4folder? As in in a Tri-fold or Z-fold?, Single or double sided?
Features / Re: Suggestion : save to an ol...
Last post by MrB - October 14, 2024, 10:05:37 PM
When I refactored the load/save plugins many years ago, the idea of doing this was always there. I'm mostly done with implementing this in 1.7.0.svn.
Beginner Talk / Line up image boxes in columns...
Last post by Madcap Piktures - October 14, 2024, 08:54:24 PM
Hi guys, Mattias here. Brand new Scribus user.

What I'm trying to create is a landscape A4 folder with four columns and five rows, where I can put images (CDs/LPs) and text underneath respective image to showcase merchandise.

How can I create this the easiest way? Tables didn't seem to work, but I'm absolutely open to ideas.

Please forgive me if posting in wrong section or if the question has been asked before. All I could find on the subject was a similar post from 2017, and that didn't solve my specific issue.