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Beginner Talk / Re: Basic image questions
Last post by AdmFubar - January 13, 2025, 02:30:26 AM
you can put image frames where you want. Master pages are a bit of a "magic wand tool" that will apply a defined layout to a page. So if your pages can be set up the same way throughout your book you wont have to manually place everything on the page.
Beginner Talk / Basic image questions
Last post by ShaunO - January 13, 2025, 02:07:01 AM
Hi, Newbie here, liking the program and learning my way around. I'm a photogrpaher, and want to use it to lay out books that will be image heavy, not much text.
A couple question:

Do I put an image frame on a master page, or does it have to be on individual pages, not master pages?

Is there a way to have an image span across the gutter without a break in the image, for panorama images?
PDF Generation / Re: Ridiculously large size of...
Last post by riczan - January 12, 2025, 08:04:10 PM
I think I may have found the major contributor to my issue: duplicated pictures.
I have some pictures that are displayed more than once; while these pictures only appear once in the collected output I guess in the PDF separate copies are created, one at each position in the document...
Thanks to all who answered my original query.
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Is there a way to delete a...
Last post by a.l.e - January 12, 2025, 01:17:59 PM
Sorry, no.

I did some work on it, but the existing code for deleting styles is more intricate than I would have thoughts.

I still don't understand the meaning of all the arguments and how to make it work without being tightly bound to the Style manager.

I have not given up yet, and need to find some time to further dig into this...
Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: String Freeze Announcement...
Last post by MrB - January 12, 2025, 12:36:34 PM
It looks like the source file was damaged somehow so some strings were missing. This has been fixed now,  sorry. TS files in SVN are now corrected.
Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: String Freeze Announcement...
Last post by MrB - January 12, 2025, 11:45:16 AM
The release contains the latest files from Transifex as exported from the tx command. If you don't use those sed conversion lines (or some other regex replacement tool), the ts file will not work and give you a bad qm file, or none at all. You need to extract the ts file from Transifex, then run the string replacements, then convert to qm.

However I can see that some translations are not downloading from Transifex for some reason. There's no technical reason for that being the case that I can see. Very weird. The strings are not even in the ts file. Eg Number of Pages on the New Document Dialog
Uhmmm, sadly I don't speak sed.
What does this mean in mere Transifex terms or Windows search & replace terms?

Yet, the 1.6.3 release IS missing the latest Dutch translations, which I think had been completed in time.
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Is there a way to delete a...
Last post by dtribby - January 12, 2025, 07:39:33 AM
Did the new function to delete a paragraph style make it into Scribus version 1.6.3? I don't see it in the "For Developers/Scripter API/Creating & Manipulating Styles" section of Scribus Help for 1.6.3.

In the script, I tried
but got the "name ... is not defined" error.
Announcements and Forum Rules / Re: Scribus 1.6.3 Released
Last post by bubu - January 12, 2025, 01:47:42 AM
And .deb packages for Ubuntu here again.
Languages, Translation and Localisation / Re: String Freeze Announcement...
Last post by MrB - January 11, 2025, 02:56:41 PM
I just checked my dmg file for Mac OS for 1.6.3 and it has a working Dutch translation. I think what you're seeing is that transifex exported ts files are not perfect and need some transformation before use. This is what I do.

sed -i~ $'s:<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE TS><TS language="\(.*\)" version="2.1">:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\\\n<!DOCTYPE TS>\\\n<TS version="2.1" language="\\1">:' $TS_DIR/*.ts
sed -i~ $'s:<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE TS><TS version="2.1" language="\(.*\)">:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\\\n<!DOCTYPE TS>\\\n<TS version="2.1" language="\\1">:' $TS_DIR/*.ts
sed -i~ 's:<translation type="unfinished"/>:<translation type="unfinished"></translation>:' $TS_DIR/*.ts