Problems registering, no confirmation email - see
Quote from: a.l.e on January 25, 2025, 06:10:19 PMi'm not sure if i'd use it. but i might play with it to find out...
- i'd like to hear from scribus power users, who can't program at all (like utnik), if they think they would use such a system and, if yes, what are the task they might want to automate.
QuoteYou can't use this version of the application "" with this version of macos.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scribus version="2.0" scribus="1.8.0.svn">
<document language="en_UK">
<page unit="mm">
<size name="ISOA_A04" />
<margins top="10" bottom="10" left="10" right="10">
<layout pages="1" first-page="left" direction-horizontal="ltr" />
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<style name="default" id="0">
<style name="default" id="0">
<page id="1">
grammar {
start = element-scribus
element-scribus = element scribus {
# common elements
element-page-size = element size {
attribute name { text } |
attribute width,
attribute height,
element-shape-sides =
attribute top { text },
attribute bottom { text },
attribute left { text },
attribute right { text },
# start of configuration / content
element-configuration = element configuration {
element-document = element document {
element language {
attribute name { text }
element page {
attribute unit { text },
element size = element-page-size,
element margins {
attribute top { text },
attribute bottom { text },
( attribute left { text },
attribute right { text } ) |
( attribute inside { text },
attribute outside { text } ),
element printer-margins {
attribute preset { text }
element bleeds {
}? # if not defined, all zeros
element layout {
attribute pages { "1" | "2" },
attribute first-page { "left" | "right" }
attribute direction-horizontal { "ltr" | "rtl" }
# attribute direction-vertical { string } # not implemented yet
element saving {
attribute compressed { boolean }?,
element auto-save {
attribute automatic a:defaultValue="false" { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute keep-backup a:defaultValue="false" { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute countdown a:defaultValue="false" { xsd:boolean }?,
element target-path { text }?
element undo {
attribute enabled a:defaultValue="true" { xsd:boolean }?,
attribute history { text }?
element-style-base = element style {
attribute id { text }
attribute name { text }
element-style-paragraph = element-style-base {
element-style-character = element-style-base {
element-style-table = element-style-base {
element-styles = element styles {
element-colors = element colors { element-color+ }
element-color = element color {
attribute name { text }
atribute space { "cmyk" | "rgb" } # TODO: add the missing spaces
attribute r { text },
attribute g { text },
attribute b { text }
) |
attribute c { text },
attribute m { text },
attribute y { text }
attribute k { text }
element-fonts = element fonts { element-font* }
element-font = element font {
attribute id { text },
attribute name { text },
element-sections = { element-section* } # if no section is defined, use the default values
element-section = element section {
attribute id { text },
attribute name { text }?,
element-page = element page {
attribute id { text }
attribute master-page a:defaultValue="false" { xsd:bool }?
element size = element-page-size
element-content = element content {