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Scribus forums / Re: Authentication overkill?
Last post by AdmFubar - July 03, 2024, 10:55:52 PM
you mean out of the 28 spam mods there there isnt one that even comes close?
Beginner Talk / Re: How to create 4 page broch...
Last post by Nermander - July 03, 2024, 04:47:34 PM
Quote from: wysocki on July 02, 2024, 09:26:37 PMWhen I used MS Publisher for this job, it was a simple task to change from single pages to side-by-side brochures at print time. Is there no equivalent to this in Scribus?

I guess MS Publisher had some kind of impositioning solution, and Scribus does not have that.

So the best solution here is to use my second solution and then "post-process" the PDF.

The easiest solution is to use a PDF viewer that supports booklet printing, but there are also PDF manipulation tools that can create a booklet PDF. The Scribus wiki has a list of useful tools but I haven't used any of them for a while so I am not sure which ones still work.

Maybe have a look at jPDFtweak?
Scribus forums / Re: Authentication overkill?
Last post by a.l.e - July 03, 2024, 10:31:41 AM
I feel your pain!

Sadly, this forum engine does not seem to have any effective (for us) mechanism to avoid (most) spam.

I could not find any plugins (mods in SMF language) that would really help us.

The way this forum works (and from the type of spam we're getting), i think that what we needed is a way to hide the posts that match some criteria until they are moderated.

Some ideas:

- Admins / moderators can mark a user as "Validated"
- Admins / moderators can mark users as "Dubious"
- Post by user who are not "Validated" are put in a moderation queue, if they contain links or attachments (and are not shown until the specific message gets validated).
- The user gets a warning message if their post is going to the moderation queue.
- Links in the profile are only shown for validated users.

If anybody can find a mod that can do that (, or is willing to create such a mod, just ring a bell!

Until then, all we can do is to make it harder for spammers to register (with the painful process you're highlighting) and delete all their messages as soon as possible (with a mod I've created, that helps detecting the most sneaky tentatives)...
Scribus forums / Authentication overkill?
Last post by wysocki - July 02, 2024, 10:43:10 PM
New to Scribus and this forum, but I'd like to make a comment about the forum UI.
Is it really necessary to have posters fill in verification code, then check the Captcha box, then fill in the year that they can get by clicking to another page?! In addition, to submit a post, you already have to be authenticated via an email and then login with your password. I have worked at the Department of Defense and their communications did not require as much authentication info as posting a message here entails.

Just sayin...  ::)
Beginner Talk / Re: How to create 4 page broch...
Last post by AdmFubar - July 02, 2024, 09:45:45 PM
Create a 2 page document in landscape. up to you which page will be cover/back and inside.
place a guide or line in the middle of the sheet to indicate the fold (mainly as a guide for you, you can remove it when finished)

Are you printing this yourself? or sending it out to be printed?
Beginner Talk / Re: How to create 4 page broch...
Last post by wysocki - July 02, 2024, 09:26:37 PM
The "flyer" version from PatJr could work, which I guess is the same as option 1 from Nermander. Interestingly, even though the pages are defined as 11wx8.5h landscape, when you print them they come out on portrait paper! This can be fixed by going into the printer options at print time and specifying landscape there, but why should this be necessary?

So, I can live with that for my paper flyer. However, I like to also produce a pdf of the document to upload to website that can be viewed online with the 4 pages stacked in order vertically. When I used MS Publisher for this job, it was a simple task to change from single pages to side-by-side brochures at print time. Is there no equivalent to this in Scribus?

Quote from: Nermander on July 02, 2024, 05:04:38 PM...use some kind of impositioning solution (I guess in this case booklet printing is easiest) to turn it into a sheet that can be folded...
Beginner Talk / Re: How to create 4 page broch...
Last post by Nermander - July 02, 2024, 05:04:38 PM
There are two options.

1. The manual option. Create a 2-page 8.5" x 11" landscape document and use guides to place the contents. This is the easy way.

2. Create a 4-page 5.5" x 8.5" document, export to PDF and use some kind of impositioning solution (I guess in this case booklet printing is easiest) to turn it into a sheet that can be folded.

Note that the second option may be more difficult if you want contents spanning over the fold. I am not sure all booklet printing options print to scale, maybe they scale down the pages to fit.

Also, in both cases, the biggest challenge may be to have the printer flip the back page in the right direction. This may require some trial and error.
General Discussion / Re: New Scribus Manual
Last post by tim_occ - July 02, 2024, 02:25:47 PM
Update: I created a new blank documentation.

Now, the source code is hosted on Codeberg
But the automation works in the same way as with GitHub.
Text and Typography / Re: Odt import - Paragraph sty...
Last post by dtribby - July 02, 2024, 10:03:28 AM
I have seen the exact behavior described here for .odt and .docx files. I tested on both Windows 10 and Linux.

I used version 1.4.x for many years, and .odt files imported nicely, with paragraph styles correctly associated with the text. Unused styles were not added to the Scribus file.

Now I'm trying to use 1.6.2, and find importing .odt files unusable. Is there any chance the Open Document import can be restored to its 1.4.7 functionality, or at least work as well as the DOCX import?

I see a similar question from January ("Import text with style, but only the used styles'), but do not see if it resulted in any change.

[This is my first post. I joined the forum to see if there is a fix to this problem, and was pleased to see someone else shares my experience.]
General Discussion / Re: Scribus 1.6.2 - drag-drop ...
Last post by giuseppe.dimenno - July 02, 2024, 08:30:01 AM
I dont' know what happend, but now it turns out that the file drop works... I did not even restart the PC or Scribus... :o  anyway thanks for your replies  ;D