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Announcements and Forum Rules / Re: Scribus 1.7.0 Released
Last post by AdmFubar - January 28, 2025, 04:38:55 AM
Finding bugs.
The object horizontal/vertical alignment buttons are mislabeled/swapped.  Depend on how you want to look at it.  The terminology used is confusing and inconsistent  with the wording for aligning text.
Layout Issues / Re: Multiple layouts with same...
Last post by a.l.e - January 27, 2025, 10:53:06 PM
in the csv, you can put the path to the images...
Layout Issues / Multiple layouts with same con...
Last post by daveb - January 27, 2025, 08:17:21 PM
I'm doing a cookbook, but the layout has yet to be decided. I'm thinking of doing multiple example layouts using the same content.  Have not found an easy way to do that (yet). I'm aware of using csv for a mail merge input, but the information is not in csv format because it contains food photos.  Any suggestions?

Announcements and Forum Rules / Re: Scribus 1.7.0 Released
Last post by a.l.e - January 27, 2025, 06:53:28 PM
No, the release notes somehow say it: it's the first release in the new development series.

Let's just hope that the serie will not be too long and that we will soon have a new and shiny Scribus everywhere!

p.s.: of course, even development versions are mostly very usable... sometimes, one has to take care, not to touch specific features, but -- all in all -- they are rather pleasant to use!
Announcements and Forum Rules / Re: Scribus 1.7.0 Released
Last post by maxwxyz - January 27, 2025, 11:12:46 AM
Great! So 1.7 is the new stable version? It is mentioned below that 1.7 is the new "unstable version". Also here

Unfortunately, I did not find the mentioned portable verion for 1.7 yet.
User Interface / Re: Automatic Dark/Light theme...
Last post by tim_occ - January 27, 2025, 11:10:50 AM
User Interface / Re: Automatic Dark/Light theme...
Last post by tim_occ - January 27, 2025, 08:58:44 AM
There is no setting yet.
Languages, Translation and Localisation / Outline ?
Last post by StephanP - January 27, 2025, 08:24:31 AM
@MrB Testing 1.7.0.svn I ran into something that has been here for a long time, but it suddenly struck me as a translation issue.

The word "Outline" in Scribus can have multiple meanings:
  • The outline of a text (books, chapters, paragraphs, sections, ...)
  • Fonts in outlined format, say "contour"

I find it hard to distinguish these two quite different meanings when I'm doing the translations in Transifex.

  • Is there a way to recognize these in Transifex?
  • Can these be marked differently?
  • Or could two seperate lists be provided?
User Interface / Automatic Dark/Light theme?
Last post by StephanP - January 27, 2025, 08:12:18 AM
Upon installing v1.7.0.svn I noticed that it automatically matches the Dark/Light theme setting of the OS, Windows 11 in my case.
I was not able to find the setting to overrule this Dark/Light theming.
Where can I find this?
User Interface / Displaying the chains of frame...
Last post by a.l.e - January 26, 2025, 01:50:30 PM
A few days ago I've created a ticket for the linking tool:

show the linking arrows for the newly created linked text frames

During the weekend, I've spent some time with the Scribus code, and tried to tweak the code to achieve the result I asked for.
I'm not there, but I have made some progress.

While hacking around, I've tried different combinations of what is being shown and how the tool behaves in different situations.
Personally, I have the feeling that Scribus does often not behave in a predictable way, but I have hard time sketching a better overall behavior.
This might also be related to the fact that I'm using the tool in contrived testing setups.

Here a description of the current feature:

  • If no text frame is active, the linking tool is disabled.
  • If there is a selection, but it contains non text frames, the tool is disabled.
  • If there are at least two text frames selected (and no other type of items in the selection), the frames get linked, in the order they have been selected and the tool deactivated. If the frames are empty, there is no visual feedback.
  • (If multiple text frames are linked at once, each individual action is recorded as an undo step... which is not really correct, but I guess that we can live with it)
  • If a single (unlinked) text frame is selected, after having activated the linking tool one can click on a "free" text frame and get it to be linked. The newly created link is (very) shortly saved and, if there is no text in the frame, there is no real visual feedback that the action was successful.
  • If a single text frame with incoming links is selected, activating the linking tool shows the existing chains for the selected item and clicking on a "free" text frame adds it at the end of the current chain.
  • If a single text frame with outgoing links is selected, activating the linking tool shows the existing chain for the selected item and clicking on any text frame will trigger a pop up stating that the item is already linked.
  • If a single text frame is selected, activate the linking tool, and the target is a frame that is already in a chain, a pop up asks if the new item should be inserted before or after the target item.

... I hope that i caught all finesses of the tool...

Here my thoughts about the current state:

  • It's complex.
  • When "Show text chains" is disabled and linking frames in an "empty" layout (the text frames being empty), the user does not get any real feedback if the linking action has correctly been executed.
  • Starting the linking action is not as intuitive as it could be: the user should be able to activate the linking tool before doing any specific action (currently, they need to first select the target frame in the existing chain or a "free" text frame, before activating the tool)
  • There is no straight forward way to see the existing chains in the document (ctrl+/ -> "chain" -> ENTER -> ctrl+/ -> "chain" -> ENTER" ... or selecting a "random" text frame and then press "n" two times)
  • The arrows are a bit ugly... (ticket created:

All this having been said, there are already a few behaviors that I'd like to see changed:

  • The linking tool should always be enabled.
  • If the linking tool gets enabled with an existing selection, the selected items should be linked to each other, in the order of selection (if some items are not text frames, they should be ignored)
  • Selecting multiple items at once should create a selection in ltr / rtl order, not in the order of creation of the items (ctrl-a, area selection; new ticket created)
  • There should be a way to see the existing chains without switching the view options.

But for the further details, I still haven't found a sound behavior that would be fitting in every case.

Does anybody have further thoughts that could help improve the linking tool?