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Scripts and Plugins / Re: Scripter: is LayerLocked
Last post by a.l.e - Today at 09:19:54 AM
Text and Typography / Re: Not Sure What Font to Choo...
Last post by a.l.e - Today at 09:19:08 AM
and this is the article referenced:

and the published scientific paper behind it:

sadly, the content of the articles does not seem to really match the title: this is not about how people perceive the different uses of fonts, but what designer mostly choose.
it's about finding the most "conforming" choice, not the right choice.
there are multiple biases that can be at play here.
the article also raises this issue, but you need to carefully read the article to its end to find it out (and it's in very soft tones)
Free discussion / Re: Own text frames
Last post by a.l.e - Today at 09:03:23 AM
here a few more details:

- type USA in a text frame
- make it bigger (you can set the frame size to be as tight as possible around the content, then resize the frame by holding down the alt and ctrl keys to resize also its content)
- use a font that is "fat" enough to have enough inner space; it should probably be "bold" (it's probably not really easy to make the letter in USA thick enough to put some meaningful text into it...)
- convert the text frame to outlines (item > convert)
- ungroup the result
- item > convert to > text frame
- set the fill color to transparent
- link the text frames to each other (if you want the text to flow from letter to letter).
- type, paste or load the text into the frames.

i'm attaching a .sla with a sample result.


for the third group of shapes, i've used the nodes tool (it's the "edit" button in the "shape" section of the properties palette) to make the inner part of the letter thicker.
it's a bit painful, but not that hard either : - )
you can mostly move around nodes with a fixed number of "arrow keys" (in my case mostly 6) and then fix the control points.

it would be nice to see your final result!
Text and Typography / Not Sure What Font to Choose? ...
Last post by AdmFubar - Today at 04:24:25 AM
Free discussion / Re: Own text frames
Last post by sersha - Today at 02:29:39 AM
Probably this is what you want:
"You can create shapes then use them as text frames. First, insert a shape or polygon (Insert > Insert Shape or Insert > Insert Polygon), then from the menu choose Item > Convert to ... > Text frame. Afterward, insert text. You can even insert text into a large letter shape by creating a large letter, then Convert to ... > Outlines, then Convert to ... > Text Frame, then inserting text. For the best results, choose the size of the original letter as well as the size of the text carefully."
Free discussion / Own text frames
Last post by Barbora - January 22, 2025, 10:38:06 PM
Hi! I´m new to scribus and I would like to know if this is possible: I´m doing project to school about USA and I want the text to be in frame looking like USA. Thanks for any help! :)
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Scripter: is LayerLocked
Last post by MrB - January 21, 2025, 10:58:45 PM
Scripts and Plugins / Re: Scripter: is LayerLocked
Last post by a.l.e - January 20, 2025, 06:58:36 PM
yep, isLayerLocked() is inverted...

it returns the value of Layers[...]->isEditable.

would you mind opening a ticket for it in the bug tracker, ?
Scripts and Plugins / Scripter: is LayerLocked
Last post by GBW - January 20, 2025, 01:03:58 PM
Having just started to write some simple scripts to control the layer condition prior to exporting to pdf, I have come across what seems like an anomoly. (Maybe I have misunderstood). Essentially the results when calling isLayerLocked(layer) with a script in the console, the values seem incorrect as shown in the attached illustration (layers 2,3 4 for example are not locked but rated 1 = locked:
Can anyone explain?
User Interface / Hyperlinks as text properly
Last post by a.l.e - January 17, 2025, 07:20:30 PM
This is a topic that comes up from time to time: defining hyperlinks as a text property.

Now that we have a sane table of contents, it's even more relevant.

As you probably have guessed (mostly from the fact that Scribus does not have it yet...), it's not trivial to add this feature.

For once it's not the usual suspect: it's not that hard to add the link when generating the PDF.

In this thread I'd like to have a discussion on the challenges, on the features to prioritize, on possible solutions.

For the start, here are a few thoughts of mine.
In random order.

How to define how the link will be visually rendered in the pdf viewer? From my experience, I have the feeling, that some authors want to style them... (But we might be able to solve this with "simple" char styles).
Does it need to be shown in the same way on the canvas and in the viewer?
What about the view on hover?

Next: how to store them in the .sla?
Personally. I wonder why we can't store them like all the other formatting.
Are there better solutions?

Where should be the widget for editing the link properties?
Just like now, in a popup, displayed on demand?
In a new section of the text palette?
A new dockable palette?
A toolbar?

How to define the target for dynamic links, like the one in the table of contents?
How to delete the ones that are not in use anymore?
Are they only valid until the next edit?
Are the generated on the fly when producing the PDF?

But also for the other internal targets, how can we avoid that the user has to scroll around like crazy?

How to render the links on canvas?
One has to find them again...
We cannot show them in blue and underlined!
Or we can, and it's up to the user to define (import) a better char style?
And if they choose to give them the same appearance as the surrounding text, it will be their challenge to find them...
Well, we could improve the search tool and allow to search for links (and tatgets).
Or we could add a new tab to the outline panel (or add a new panel...), listing all the links and allowing to jump to them and/or their internal target.

Voilà, enough for today.

I've already created a ticket in the bug tracker

But i think it is better to first have a discussion in here... If anyone wants to partipate : - )