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Beginner Talk / ICC Profiles on Scribus : how ...
Last post by omblik - February 14, 2025, 06:58:40 PM
Looking at the Scribus's archives, my question is an old song for this forum... However I haven't found the solution in spite of my numerous researches on the big Internet.

I use Scribus for the first time. I do the imposition for a fanzine I want to print in risography. For this I have to use special ICC profiles and it would be super convenient if Scribus could get to them.

I have a Windows 10 computer and the latest Scribus version (as I am a newcomer to this software). I have already installed the ICC profiles on C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\drivers\color for the first part of my job and softwares as Krita or Photoshop can read them and access to them.

However, I can't find a way to access to them on Scribus. I've already tried :
- no document opened :
Settings -> Colour Management -> Activate Colour Management -> looking for my profiles in all menu list... won't find them
Settings -> Paths -> Colour Profiles -> set C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\drivers\color as a colour profile path, then returning to Colour Mangement -> won't find my profile in the menu list...
- same with an opened document.

Can someone help me ?
Beginner Talk / Re: Text editing
Last post by pierruel - February 14, 2025, 05:46:56 PM
Hi Utnik and AdmFuBar and many thanks,
This issue will be complicated because your copy of Scribus is an English one and mine is French, and in addition my English is far from good, and we can't simply translate the name of Scribus' features from one language into he other. First of all I would like to make clear what I mean with "text editing window". When I'm able to have it open, it take the whole screen, with a upper part with menus, commands, description of the typo characteristics, and below this part, the main part of the screen (I mean about 85 % in high) is divided into two windows, a larger one on the right, about 2/3 of the screen, where the text of the text frame is dispayed and the other on the left, where you can choose the style of each paragraph. To get to that "text editing window" you have to left click on the concerned text frame just to select it, right click to have a popup menu opened and then the item in French says "Editer le texte dans l'éditeur..." what I translated as a "Text Editing Window". The problem is that when I select a text frame and right click on the menu item "Editer le texte dans l'éditeur" nothing happens. The same happens with Ctrl/T. Hope my question is more clear. Thank you for your ideas. Regards
Beginner Talk / Re: Text editing
Last post by utnik - February 14, 2025, 03:55:05 PM
hi pierruel

what is a 'text editing window'?
there is the old 'story editor' (which i never use and don't recommend...) it opens with 'ctrl'+'t', and there is the 'text properties'-palette. this palette was part of the 'properties' in earlier versions. (maybe up to 1.4.x...) it opens with 'f3' (and is usually the way to go...)
but if you can't edit the text at all, the problem sits somewhere else, as you can always edit the text direct in the frame. (the text frame could be locked or it is not on the active layer...)


edit: admfubar was faster...
Beginner Talk / Re: Text editing
Last post by AdmFubar - February 14, 2025, 03:44:32 PM
I think you are talking about opening the story editor window. I never opened by simply selecting the text frame.  You have select the text frame(Left Click), them right click and in the popup menu choose "Content/Edit Text in Story Editor". Alternatively, you select the text frame and press CTRL-T.

Beginner Talk / Text editing
Last post by pierruel - February 14, 2025, 08:53:51 AM
Good morning,
I'm not exactly a beginner but I downloaded the 1.6.3 version yesterday and I have a beginner's problem: I used to click into any text frame and then got the text editing window open where I was able to add or delete text, choose a typo style, aso. Since I'm with the 1.6.3 V. the text editing window doesn't open and I can't make any editing on my texts. What's the matter ? Did I do something wrong ? Is there something I should know and don't ?
Thank you in advance for any advice.
Friendly regards
Beginner Talk / Import from InDesign?
Last post by Beosar - February 13, 2025, 08:09:35 PM
I tried importing an IDML file from InDesign but everything is different. Text doesn't fit on the page anymore, spacing between letters is wrong, even solid colors are slightly different.

It doesn't even show the EPS images, not sure what's up with that.

Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?

PS: I am a human, I've tried to verify that 3 times already...
General Discussion / Re: Character or paragraph sty...
Last post by Ez3 - February 13, 2025, 01:46:23 PM
I agree. There are more important and urgent things.

I'll start tinkering with scripts.
General Discussion / Re: Character or paragraph sty...
Last post by a.l.e - February 13, 2025, 08:57:34 AM
without having had a look at the code, i would say that all small caps should be easy to implement, since we already have all caps in the code, it's probably just the inverted transformation.
it's just as likely that it's of little interest in the real world: even our all small caps support team will probably not use it much in scribus...
(all caps is ugly, but very common in some languages: that's why it's already in!)

sentence case (or whatever is called the first letter in the sentence in caps) should also be rather easy to add (once it's clear in which language which letter starts a sentence).
if you only want to control the first letter of the sentence.
probably, also of limited interest in the real world.
the inverted case (unsentence case... with the first letter in the sentence lowercase) is probably just as useful, but harder to implement (due those stupid words that need to be written with one or more uppercase... there are also a few words that require lowercase (mm, some people's name, ...) but those are unlikely to be at the start of a sentence)

title case would be very useful (headings at levels lower than 2 should be in title case in the body of the text, but in sentence case in the table of contents).
sadly, the rules for deciding which words should start in upper case are not trivial and depend on the language.
english is the language that most would need it, but also has non trivial rules for deciding which word will be left in lowercase (and, or, the, ...).

all this having been said:

this is a case where the community can contribute the biggest part of the feature and help the developers implement the feature by collecting for each transformation (and for multiple languages):

  • the rules,
  • exhaustive examples, and
  • links to style guides.

the specification and implementation of the css property text-transform can be of much help in defining the rules for scribus (and is freely available).

my conclusion:

  • adding only one of the transformations is probably of little interest (except for title caps, the most complex of them).
  • people with typography skills (but no programming skills) can help substantially for this feature (without even needing much coordination)
  • in the meantime the rules specified in here can easily be implemented in a set of scripts
General Discussion / Re: Character or paragraph sty...
Last post by utnik - February 12, 2025, 11:44:14 PM
hi ez3

i think this is a job for a script.
you can always file a feature request, but this one won't have many use cases – not sure if the devs will spend a lot of work for it...

General Discussion / Character or paragraph style t...
Last post by Ez3 - February 12, 2025, 09:40:41 PM
Hello. I'm not a new user but I also haven't yet used Scribus "in anger".

I'd like to have the freedom to easily switch between:
  • ALL CAPS (already there)
  • Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word
  • Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized
  • all words in minuscules. ever

As a matter of fact, I only need the last style with all words in minuscule to style some marginal titles, independently of how the text is stored. E.g. I'd like to be able to write:
"Work Experience" as in a heading, and then be able to switch between those styles, in a similar fashion to what the CSS text-transform property achieves.

Should I request the feature? Could it be done with a script in the meantime?
