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Beginner Talk / Where is the file: manual.css
Last post by Yichuang驿窗 - July 09, 2024, 06:46:56 AM
There is a tip of "manaul.css" in the Help Manual, but I can not found it.
Where is the file of "manual.css" ?

Beginner Talk / Re: Remove Page shadow from PD...
Last post by sersha - July 08, 2024, 07:51:06 PM
If that is what I thought, then the visibility of this "shadow" is turned off in Preferences-Display-Pages-uncheck Show Page Shadow. Should be no document loaded, in order to access those settings.
Beginner Talk / Re: Remove Page shadow from PD...
Last post by sersha - July 08, 2024, 07:43:12 PM
Most probably, you are mistaking the visual shadow on the scribus main window for the real one. It is only for the visual "spicing", and when you are producing the real PDF, it will not be present.
Beginner Talk / Re: How to make an A3 project ...
Last post by AdmFubar - July 08, 2024, 06:48:13 PM
Well it seems to be working for you now. I wonder what the issue was.
Beginner Talk / Re: Remove Page shadow from PD...
Last post by ionapostol - July 08, 2024, 06:32:43 PM
After (loooong time consuming, alot of shity question like I was tring to login to Federal reserve...and a multiple errors)I sign up on this forum.....

I want to ask HOW to get rid of shadow arround document ? Because is not solved. I have version 1.6.2 and the option is greyed out.
I wanted to put some images but ....seems this forum least "differernt" that usual forums....
Beginner Talk / Re: How to make an A3 project ...
Last post by vorple - July 08, 2024, 07:53:15 AM
It's now working fine, and I can't get it to break.
I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Thought it may be related to including PDF annotations & Links, or Set Media Size, but changes to either didn't make it reoccur.
Beginner Talk / Re: How to make an A3 project ...
Last post by vorple - July 08, 2024, 07:12:34 AM
No, the image frame is the size of the image.
The black line is around the border of the A3 page.

The whole reason I'm looking to use Scribus is it's ability to print CMYK separations without Acrobat. Most PDF viewers can't actually do that, so I'm stuck going back to Acrobat to print, which unfortunately negates my need for Scribus in the first place.

That said, I just tried to recreate it to send through, and that page printed fine. Exactly the same settings, exactly the same elements, and it's not doing it now. Maybe it's printing separations only that this happened, will check that.
General Discussion / Re: Open Dialog Box → Open Exi...
Last post by apastuszak - July 07, 2024, 02:25:24 PM
I wonder if it's possible to use the MacOS native file picker if you use File→Open. I know when you export to PDF, it uses the native file picker.
General Discussion / Re: Open Dialog Box → Open Exi...
Last post by utnik - July 07, 2024, 12:13:17 PM
yes, tis is a mac-only-problem.
if i remember right, there was a bug report a couple of years ago. (but no solution so far...)
