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General Discussion / Re: Scribuis 1.5.8 producing P...
Last post by apastuszak - July 06, 2024, 04:43:27 AM
So, to update this, I'm still having the issue with 1.6.2. But something that seems to "fix" the problem for me is this.

I bought a Mac app called PDF Squeezer. I run the PDF through PDF Squeezer and the output it generates works just fine in Adobe Reader.

Then I got to the root of the problem and just removed Adobe Reader and replaced it with FoxIt PDF Reader.
General Discussion / Open Dialog Box → Open Existin...
Last post by apastuszak - July 06, 2024, 04:39:03 AM
I'm using Scribus 1.6.2 on MacOS.

When I got Open Existing Documents, I see a column on the left with folders/directories in it that are shortcuts to sections of the filesystem. And I can drag additional folders in there. But those folders don't stick. They disappear as soon as I close the open dialog box. Is this a bug, or as designed?

If there is some workaround that will let me add a few directories in there by editing a config file, it would make my life a lot easier.
General Discussion / Re: Grouping things across lay...
Last post by apastuszak - July 06, 2024, 04:27:22 AM
A friend of mine threw together something for me that's working well.

A friend of mine created a script that uses LibreOffice Calc and Scribus to quickly throw together a page of stamps.

If you go here: and click on PMGS Products, you'll find the tool he created.

I mentioned wanting to move images to their own layer and he whipped together a quick and dirty script that rips through the entire document page by page and ungroups everything and then moves any objects of type "2" to their own layer.

This allows me to use Distribute to quickly line stuff up properly on different page sizes and then just run the script to move all the images to their own layer.

And this is why I love Scribus. If the app doesn't do what you want, you may be able to create a script to do what you want.
Beginner Talk / Re: How to create 4 page broch...
Last post by wysocki - July 06, 2024, 03:19:39 AM
Ok. I created the doc with 4 pages as you said. That works ok.

Found and they created my booklet pdf quickly online from my original pdf! They have limited usage for free, but it works find for my booklet needs. Thanks for all your help, guys!!!
Beginner Talk / Re: How to make an A3 project ...
Last post by AdmFubar - July 05, 2024, 10:53:36 PM
Quote from: vorple on July 05, 2024, 04:41:16 PMHi all, have just started working in Scribus, and really liking it.

While my problem is a bit different to the above, the description is exactly the same.

I have an A3 page in Scribus. In that page is one square image, sized to the margins of the page, filling it to the side margins.

I have an A3 printer (Brother inkjet), with A3 paper in it, set to print at 100%.
Normally that gives me an A3 printout.

With Scribus I keep getting this:

which looks to be printing at about 70% size. (The back line is a shape near the outer edge of the page to better show the size of the printout)

Any ideas what might be causing that? Scribus 1.6.2 on Windows 11. Thanks!
Can I assume that the thin black line around the image  is the stroke color for the  image frame?

If that is is the case, resize the frame. If not, post an attachment of an example .sla to inspect.
General Discussion / Re: Unable to Edit After a Per...
Last post by groundhoggreg - July 05, 2024, 10:14:58 PM
This is also happening to me. The trick of creating a text frame off to the side is all it takes for the original text frame to start being editable again.
Beginner Talk / Re: How to make an A3 project ...
Last post by Nermander - July 05, 2024, 09:06:52 PM
Rule 1 when it comes to Scribus: Never print directly from Scribus.

Export to a PDF and print from a PDF viewer. Make sure the PDF viewer is set to print 100% scale.
Beginner Talk / Re: Error while trying to open...
Last post by MrB - July 05, 2024, 06:25:54 PM
Thanks, I have fixed that wiki page.
Beginner Talk / Re: How to make an A3 project ...
Last post by vorple - July 05, 2024, 04:41:16 PM
Hi all, have just started working in Scribus, and really liking it.

While my problem is a bit different to the above, the description is exactly the same.

I have an A3 page in Scribus. In that page is one square image, sized to the margins of the page, filling it to the side margins.

I have an A3 printer (Brother inkjet), with A3 paper in it, set to print at 100%.
Normally that gives me an A3 printout.

With Scribus I keep getting this:

which looks to be printing at about 70% size. (The back line is a shape near the outer edge of the page to better show the size of the printout)

Any ideas what might be causing that? Scribus 1.6.2 on Windows 11. Thanks!
Beginner Talk / Re: Error while trying to open...
Last post by Unbeknownst - July 05, 2024, 03:58:44 PM
That did it. Thanks very much!!!