Installing Ghostscript on Win 7 machine

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I got the file, I use a command prompt to load it., but it simply gives me a list of command switches, none of which make sense, so I can't complete the install.
Where do I find out how to install this please?

Meho R.

1. From here download the file named gs904w32.exe (for 32-bit Windows) or gs904w64.exe (for 64-bit Windows).

2. When you double-click on the downloaded .exe file, installation will start automatically, no need for Command Prompt and stuff.

3. Run Scribus. It will probably recognize the location of GS automatically, but in case it didn't, go to File > Preferences > External Tools and under "PostScript Interpreter" specify full path to the .exe file (if you haven't changed the path during installation process, it will be something like: C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.04\bin\gswin32c.exe).


Thanks for a clear and speedy answer, much appreciated.

Meho R.


Quote from: Meho R. on January 23, 2012, 06:09:01 PM
1. From here download the file named gs904w32.exe (for 32-bit Windows) or gs904w64.exe (for 64-bit Windows).

2. When you double-click on the downloaded .exe file, installation will start automatically, no need for Command Prompt and stuff.

3. Run Scribus. It will probably recognize the location of GS automatically, but in case it didn't, go to File > Preferences > External Tools and under "PostScript Interpreter" specify full path to the .exe file (if you haven't changed the path during installation process, it will be something like: C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.04\bin\gswin32c.exe).

Thanks also for this explanation (and for all the great people involved with Scribus).  I'll say to any future lurkers, what caused me confusion and frustration was that in the Scribus Preferences, it appeared to correctly show the "gswin32c" destination.  However, it apparently wasn't reading it at all.  So, I then followed Step #3 above and specifically selected the "gswin32c.exe" from that "bin" folder, and then, at last, Scribus recognized Ghostscript. 

So some people might get thrown off by the fact that Scribus appears to be already looking in the proper destination, and yet you still have to go and designate this path for it, anyway.


Quote from: Meho R. on January 23, 2012, 06:09:01 PM
3. Run Scribus. It will probably recognize the location of GS automatically, but in case it didn't, go to File > Preferences > External Tools and under "PostScript Interpreter" specify full path to the .exe file (if you haven't changed the path during installation process, it will be something like: C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.04\bin\gswin32c.exe).
Is it possible to do this with a command line switch during installation? We are deploying Scribus through SCCM to aprox. 300 computers, but for some reason Scribus doesn't seem to be able to detect GhostScript, when installed during the Task Sequence. This is a problem, even if I add a reboot during the TS, between the installation of GS and Scribus. Manually configuring this for 300 computers isn't really a sollution, so I would really appreciate if if someone knew if it's possible to tell Scribus where to find GhostScript. :)


Seems like Scribus only detects the 32-bit version of GhostScript automatically. I couldn't make Scribus detect the 64-bit version of GhostScript automatically, but as soon as I exchanged it for the 32-bit version, it was detected automatically. I would love to have an install switch for Scribus, maybe something like this /GS="c:\gs\gs904w64.exe to set the path for GhostScript during Scribus installation. This shouldn't be much bother to set up for the devs either.

There might be a way to do this, without manually setting it - I will look into it, as soon as I can get some other, more pressing issues of my desk. :)


Write a script that edits the configuration file to enter the path?