Word interrupt characters.

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How can use as interrupt character only the space in program?

must use only Scribus
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Fix new Scribus?
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Word is a sequence of characters.
LF or CR or LFCR are the interrupt characters to change paragraph.
When inside word have a character from a different language or random Unicode character, except LF, CR, LFCR and SPACE, in Scribus 1.4.2 word breaks in two, but in Scribus  not, that is correct.
How can fix it?


You mean that Scribus will consider a character from a foreign language to be whitespace and apply word spacing on it? That seems weird because as far as I understand Scribus is unicode compliant and should know what glyphs are spaces and not.


That is exactly what is going on.
Character from a foreign language be whitespace and apply word spacing on it.
In Scribus not happen this, but at newer versions does.
How it can fix it?


You should file a bug report at bugs.scribus.net. I'm just a user, sounds like something the devs need to look into.


You can see pictures at differences ...

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Are there more fonts in Greek than just the one you keep showing us? Like a difference betwiin a serif and a non-serif font? I f so, is the phenomen shown in each font or just in one?

And if I understand your pics correctly, you are showing us differnt text. Please us always the same text, so we can REALLY recognise the differences.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


You can see is the right one ...
That happen in all fonts, if a character is impended of a language.

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I just upload files and font...
Changing frame with you can see differences at Scribus and 1.4.2


ICONS :) and new zip file ...

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