Guide Locking

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The lock/unlock box under guide management appears to lock all pages even though there is a button for apply to all pages, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose.


hi dave

the 'lock guides' checkbox is meant to affect all guides (even those, you insert later manually direct on the page...)
with a click on 'apply to all pages', your guides will be copied to all pages.



Guess I misread it. I thought the apply to all pages referred to the locking feature, but on second looks your explanation makes more sense.
One thing I notice, guides are not pinned to a layer. On my other Publisher, I could define guides on different master page layers and select by hide/show layer later. No problem, just create extra master pages. Another nice feature in Scribus is you can change your mind later as to which master page you assign. Couldn't do this with my other Publisher, had to add/delete page. My other Publisher for years has been PagePlus. Gonna miss it after all this time!!