Strange symbol appears in text

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Hi there,

this symbol is appearing and I have no clue about what it means. I thought it was just a layout marker of sort but it also gets exported when doing a tiff export for instance. It's really bothering me!

It looks like it appears when doing a new line, because Scribus stops using the font I selected and reverts to the default. In this case I was using a Frutiger variant and Scribus reverted to Arial on new line. This automatic change of fonts is also very bothering me: is there a way to have Scribus only use the font I selected for a text frame and never switch it?

Thanks a lot, have a nice time!



If you really set the font for the text frame it will be used. My guess is that you set it for the text in the frame (which is a different thing). In the latter case Scribus has a disturbing behavior in that it considers the cursor to be outside the selected text, which means that even if you select all text and change the font for it, any new text typed will have the font according to the style of the paragraph or the default for the frame.

The solution is easy:

Never use direct formatting. Always use styles. Always.



I can not help you with the signs, but I have two possible solutions to stop to revert to Arial.

Radical solution (recommended): delet Arial. If you have access to Frutiger, you will never, never, never again want to use Arial. This, and most other M$-Fonts are completely banned  on my computers. They are just not necessary.

Scribus solution: follow the screenshot in the menue -->Files. Do that first thing for every new project, this will stop the mess with the hundreds of availabel fonts on your computer. Just add another one, if you need a new font while working.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


Thanks so much to both of you, they were two very interesting and useful answers. I'm pretty new to Scribus and I never used Styles now.

I'm still curious about the actual meaning of that symbol, I hope someone will give it a name sooner or later :)

Thanks again!


Can you put the *.sla-file for us to download and open?

Do you have command of German?
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


Hi Arran, I sadly can't speak German.

This is a sample file:

The font in use is Frutiger Next LT W1G.

And this is the way I see it on my Scribus 1.4.2:

I noticed that changing font is also changing the symbol. Choosing a Bodoni XT will produce a dollar sign, choosing Dotum will produce a "è", etc. Some fonts are not having the symbol problem (David, for instance).

Thanks for your interest in my issue! :)


Hi Rublev

I do not have the same problem as you, despite I have the same font, possibly from another source. I have most fonts on an original Adobe font cd, which I got very cheap second hand from a closing down print shop.

It may well be, that your version do not have the individual signs in the correct place. The whole positioning of each glyph is rather complicated.

There is just one more question: Where did you get your copy of Scribus from? On which operating system?

[attachment deleted by admin]
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


Hi Arran! I downloaded my Scribus from the official website. I am using the 64 bit version on Windows 8 64 bit and on Windows 7 64 bit. I bought Frutiger from Linotype. Thanks again!


Then I have only one last shot into the blind (I changed to Kubuntu when it was still XP age, so I know nothing about Vista, W7 and W8):

Is this phenomen on both your Windows?

I am sorry, not to have been able to help further.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island


Yes it happens on all Windows 7 & 8 machines I use Scribus on. Thanks anyway for your help! :)


Last suggestion: Download the Fonts «Linux Biolinum» and «Liberation», install them and try it with them. Most fonts are anyway cross-OS. so no problem to use them with Windows of Mac.
Have you first consulted the Manual? You can probably find the solution there.

Happy Greetings from Scotland's nicest Holiday Island