Serious problem with letters that go below the baseline.

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I've been using Scribus for a while now and I've noticed a recurring problem in a few of my documents.

Whenever I'm working with text at the bottom of the frame and I type a letter that has a part that goes below the baseline, that collumn or text frame will break at that letter. I've has cases where words are cut in half, lines are cut in half.

I've asked some people on the IRC chat in the Scribus room and after being a bit rude to me they told me that the designers meant for it to be like that, but I can't imagine that being the case.

The real problem arises when I'm working with long documents where the text is in columns since it becomes substantially more difficult to fix.

Has anyone else had this 'bug' and do you know how it can be fixed or wheterh it will be fixed in the next release?

I'm on version 1.4.1



hi chris

i'm not able to reproduce this behavior here. (macOS10.6.8, scribus1.4.2)
is it one special font, that produces the problem? – scribus reacts sensitively to fonts with internal errors...

if i had this issue, i would set the lower border of the text frames in a 'save' position related to the baseline grid...



hmmm, it could be the case that, that bug is fixed by 1.4.2
Possibly time for me to upgrade.


Anyone else found this problem. I have to say I am disappointed in the about of bugs in Scribus.