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October 2011, I started my book project with CALAMUS, a software from 1992 written for ATARI computers running in a Motorola 68000 emulator. After some crashes, I decided to search something more reliable and found Scibus.

Now I finished the English version of my book.

404 pages DIN-A5

A 52 page read test is attached at this post.

For the online-shop, I decided for E-Junkie

I discovered this vendor by asking Google for "How to stamp a PDF".
On each page is the name of the owner, email address and transaction number stamped.
I think far better than DRM.

To make this copyright protection a feature,
make a peronalised gift out of it.

Other important features of the online shop system:

Voucher codes.
So when somebody makes a pre-order for the German version, he receives a voucher code for the English PDF to have something to read until I am ready with the German version.

Or what when somdbody wants PDF and book? He receives a voucher code with the PDF to get the book cheaper.

Voucher Codes can be integrated in Links.

For example, this link contains an US$ 10 voucher code for the PDF useable for the first 5 using it

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Founder of PEGE - Planetary Engineering Group Earth
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