Serious problem in text -- more pictures in problem

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I have created text in Greek language with chars from many other Unicode places.
In Scribus the other characters have a distance between. (dareios.png)
In notepad plus, or notepad there is not distance.(dareios1.png)
How i can disable that?
Also we can see the differences with previous versions.
In Scribus 1.3.3 chars are ok.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Is it possible for you to post a .sla file (just a minimun example)?


in scribus  the text is ok.
What is going on with newer versions?

[attachment deleted by admin]


for example the text Ἀ㯉䪬⽁㬁κ㪛㬌⼠.
The Ἀ and κ characters are from Greek language. The other chars not. There is a distance between those characters, between Greeks and others.
How i can disable that?
Not only in Scribus, or Open Office writer. But in n++ or a simple editor not.
In older Scribus chars are ok.


Here a word in the 2 versions of Scribus

[attachment deleted by admin]


hi dkaip, you can try to open a ticket on ... (no idea if the bug has already been submitted, though).

the devs will need the .sla, the PNGs you did and the name of the font (if it's a common one) or the font file.

now knowing anything about the greek language and not that much about typography i can't really help you... but the fact that scribsu and writer both show it wrong, and simple text editors show it as you would wish, may be the indicator that there is something wrong with the advanced properties of the font.
but, as i said, i'm no expert in this topic.



As soon as possible i will send a file and font.


Οι νεώτερες εκδόσεις του Scribus ενσωματώνουν την έννοιαν του συνόλου.
Όταν ένας χαρακτήρας δεν ανήκει σε σύνολο, σε κάποια γλώσσα(Ελληνικά, εβραϊκά κλπ) τότε συμβαίνει το πρόγραμμα να θεωρεί τη λέξη η οποία έχει παρεμβλημένο αυτόν τον χαρακτήρα σαν κάτι το οποίο μπορεί να το διασπάσει προκειμένου να χωρίσει τη λέξη όταν αυτή φτάνει στο τέρμα και πρόκειται να αλλάξει γραμμή.
Αυτή την νέα δυνατότητα πρέπει να μπορούμε να την απενεργοποιούμε ώστε να μπορούμε να προσαρμόσουμε τα κείμενά μας όπως εμείς θέλουμε.
Αυτό δηλαδή που ζητιέται είναι να μην γίνεται προσδιορισμός σε μια λέξη αν ανήκει σε σύνολο συγκεκριμένο, αλλά η διακριση του τμήματος κοπής σε αλλαγές γραμμών να είναι μόνο το space.

The newer versions of Scibus incorporating the meaning of the synolon(word, that belongs to a language, aggregate).
When a character does not belong to synolo(word), in a language (Greek, Hebrew, etc.) then the program regards the word which is sandwiched this character as something that can break to divide the word when it comes to and,  at the and of line.
This new feature should be able to turn it off so we can tailor our texts as we want.
So is asked to not identify whether a word belongs to a set of concrete, but the subheading section cutting line breaks be just the space.


How word that is a sequence of characters interrupt in Scribus?
How can use as interrupt character only the space in program?