Problem with accessing different columns within a text frame

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Dear all,

need urgent help, please.

I have implemented a text frame with two columns.
By editing text I can only change the content in the LEFT column.

My question is: How to access the RIGHT column?

My version: Windows 7 professional, Scribus Version 1.4.1, 30 April 2012
Build ID: C-*-T-*-C1.8.6-Windows
Using Ghostscript version 8.63

Thanks a lot for your help...

Best regards


any screenshot?

some hints:
- insert a column break
- inser enough text to flow into the second column




thanks for your fast reply.

I am sorry, but unfortunately I do not know how to implement a column break.  Couldn't find anything in the help.
However; I found a workaround and just put two text boxes together and grouped them in a second step - it might be not the best approach, but at least it looks fine.  ;)

Nevertheless, to understand how to add a column break would be highly appreciated...

Best regards



i think that reading a bit about text frames, filling and linking them could help you sort it out.

the column breaks can be added from the insert > spaces and breaks menu when you're text edit mode.
but, as said, you should probably first get some skills in DTP and Scribus...



Yes, I think this sounds like a misunderstanding on how two column frames work.

The two columns are not "selectable", the second colum will fill when the first one is full, just like a word processor would add a new page when the first is full.