Strange behavior with a PNG-Image

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I recognized a strange behavior with one of my PNG-Images:

I downloaded this image from my website with the function in the context menu and imported it then into an image frame. The image is 300 x 197 px, 96dpi. On my windows XP SP3 system it displays with the proper size, as on the Web. But on my Windows 7 system it has suddenly a resolution of 400dpi and therefore is way too small. How can a change to 400dpi can happen?

Could someone help me with this strange behavior? Your help is very appreciated.



The DPI is just a number calculated from the number och pixels and the physical size.

See the explanations in this topic,112.0.html

So, as long as the image has the same number of pixels, just resize it and the DPI will change.


But when I resize it to the wanted size the image got blurred.



In the PDF or in the screen preview? Scribus has a separate setting for the preview resolution.

If the image is 300 x 197 px it should still be 300 x 197 px no matter what version of Scribus you import it to, because Scribus does not embed images, it only links to them (just lika an IMG tag in a HTML document would do).


As I mentioned in my first post, the behavior is different on both systems, and that's so strange.

When I change the size in the property window then the image got blurred.
