Scribus 1.4.1 workflow with complementary applications

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As a newcomer to Scribus 1.4.1 (running under Ubuntu 12.04) I'm trying to get under the bonnet of Scribus to see how it might work in concert with other applications.

There is advice in this forum about importing textframes from LibreOffice (aka OpenOffice) rather than using Scribus Story Editor to create and edit and style textframes.

But managing many external files (some users have large numbers .. 100's .. of pages) seems not to be easy.

So I've looked at marrying Scribus with Scrivener which seems to be complementary.

The Scrivener file repository (document layout) can be seen on one index page and the outputs can be imported into textframes or imageframes in Scribus.   The next step would be to have a script for importing.

Scrivener is not open source but there is a beta running for Windows or Linux or Mac users


As another idea I'm exploring use of TextSTAT for concordance analysis of textframes.

this can be used to find and search throughout the corpus of text frames.

There are similar tools here ..

AntConc3.2 and AntWord Profiler


I would be interested in views on this mix and any other applications which work well with Scribus.




there is no real solution for it, yet.

if scribus progresses well, i may give a try next year...

i'm working on a few projects that could converge in a prototype solution that will allow you to edit scribus content from external apps. but it's not there, yet!
