Any way to add hyperlinks in text belonging to a text frame?

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Any way to add hyperlinks in text belonging to a text frame?


It depends on what you're trying to achieve.

A lot of PDF readers (Adobe Reader, Apple Preview, etc.) will automatically "pick up" a normal URL in the text and allow the user to click through (sometimes while pressing a CTRL key or similar).

If you want to rely on this you might also want to create a character style for hyperlinks (blue, underlined, whatever) and apply the style to the relevant text while editing the text "in frame" (I don't think you can apply character styles in the story editor, just yet anyway).

One issue with the above is that the text and URL have to be the same. In other words you can't, for example, have some text as "our website" and have the link to "". (If someone knows how to do otherwise I'd be interested in learning how for my own projects.)

Or, for something different, you could have a look at the Wiki:
...where you'll get two methods to try. These methods allow you to add a hyperlink to a rectangular portion of the document rather than a piece of text but beware that if your text/layout changes you may have to reposition the rectangle (it's probably best to do this after you're happy with everything else).

Anyway, it's always best to have a look in the Wiki first; there's a lot of good information there.

I hope some of this this helps.

