How do you invert a bezier curve?

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I'm not quite sure how to ask this question, or therefore how to search for whether it's been asked before.

I'm trying to add text to a path. The path is circular, created from a circle shape and then converted to a bezier curve. I want some text around the top part of the circle, and some more around the bottom, but I don't want any of it to appear upside down. In other words, I want the text at the bottom of the circle to be attached to the curve at the top of the letters, rather than at the bottom.

My approach so far has been to have two identical circles, and to attach text to one of them in the normal way, and then superimpose the second circle, with the text attached at the bottom, but attached in such a way that they're not upside down.

Is that clear? I hope so!



hi neil

select the path, go to 'properties' (f2) → 'x, y, z' and click the flip-sign ().

