Scribus commercial use and embeded fonts

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There is a Q&A in FAQ -> Legal questions of Scribus official webpage.

QuoteQ: Can Scribus be used legally by a company or an individual to produce documents that can be sold? (for instance, DTP documents)
A: Yes to both without any reservations.

And I have an additional question regarding the one above: what about fonts emeded in output pdf? Does it change anything if I embed any fonts or not?


That is not a question that depends on Scribus license, it depends on the font license.


I mean standard fonts that are included in the original, standard Scribus package.
Do these fonts have separate licence?


yes, resources distributed with scribus have different licenses.
while most of them are free, not all of them are (well, all of them are free as in beer, but not all of them are free as in software)


Then would be a good solution to install GPL fonts?