Create different pages

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Can this be done:
Create different pages Like main menu page listing all other sub menu pages, where you can click on a sub menu page and bring it and on the sub menu page be able to click another page menu and go to it. Also have a return click to main page.

If it can be done is there in sample files around?


doable, have a look at the the pdf toolbar and play a bit with the link frames...

but i wonder a bit why you would do this... pdf does not seem to me to be the best for solution for such applications...



The reason is I have made many recipe cards and I would like to put it in a pdf file, where you have a main menu listing different categories of food like meats, soup, Salads and so on, a person would click on salads and would take that person to a list of salad recipes and that once they have located the salad recipe, they click on it and it would bring up that recipe. It would also have pages with converting cups to oz and other conversion in the recipe. I have my own cook book that has all of this, but I would like to see it in a pdf file. I hope this explanes why I would like to find out how to do this.


It would be A LOT easier to do that as a HTML solution...