Separator line between columns in multi-column text frame?

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How to create a separator line between columns in multi-column text frame? Only manually via menu: Insert - Line?

Looking at eg. LibreOffice, it is possible: menu: Format - Columns and there is Separator line...


yep, that's the way to do that in scribus.

you can store the lines as a scrapbook item and get them inserted with a double click.

this having been said:
  • depending on the reason why you're adding the lines, you might want to consider, if you're not better off without them (i have seen many cases, where they are used to compensate for a layout that is way too dense)
  • multicolumn text frame frames can be the solution in some cases. in my experience, most of the teim creating real columns with guides and multiple frames is a better fit. (in that case it's slightly easier to exactly place the lines with the alignment tool; remark: in scribus you can also set the position as "width / 3 + 1cm"...)