[SOLVED] No way to see location of an image inside Scribus?

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Hi all,

it seems to me that there's no way to see full path of an image inside Scribus, or is it possible?

I have a SLA document with 'image/foo.pdf' (image).

xmllint --format Document-1.sla  | grep -i --color=always 'foo.pdf' | fmt -w80
    <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="519.528559055118" YPOS="20.001" OwnPage="0"
    ItemID="1119109185" PTYPE="2" WIDTH="419.527559055118"
    HEIGHT="595.275590551181" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1"
    LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" Pagenumber="0"
    PFILE="images/foo.pdf" IRENDER="0" EMBEDDED="0" path="M0
    0 L419.528 0 L419.528 595.276 L0 595.276 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L419.528 0
    L419.528 595.276 L0 595.276 L0 0 Z" gXpos="519.528559055118" gYpos="20.001"
    gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"/>


- select an image frame
- right-click: Info - and I see

  Original PPI: 72 x 72

That is, I do not see the path. If I would have multiple directories with same filename, I might be confused where the used image is really located. The only way seems checking SLA source :-/

If there is not way, I would love to see either:
- full path in the above dialog, or
- a dialog where all used images of the document are listed; an example:
  * page X:
      * 1. <image path> - <image frame name>
  (Ideally with possibility to edit the both path of the image and name of the frame).

Your comments are appreciated. Thank you.


Hm, there's 'Extras -> Picture Browser'.

Cool,... BUT, the 'File/Path' is full path; in the source, it is relative path!?

Should that be full path or relative path to be consistent with SLA source?


Generally, this topic is solved: either 'Extras - Manager Pictures' or 'Extras - Picture Browser'.