Can I create on a Mac for a PC end user?

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I'm a Mac-based designer seeking something I can use to create a template for PC clients. They want to be able to edit, print, and control their projects on software they can access, like Scribus!

If I download Scribus for Mac, create the document, collect and send it to the PC user, will they be able to work on it directly? Any certain format I need to output to?

Thanks in advance, I'm very excited to have found this solution!


hello catalyst

there should not be a technical problem – the .sla file is the same on mac os, linux or windows. but your clients have to know, what they are doing. otherwise you have to correct a lot of strange things...



Great, thanks so much for your help and speedy response!

Enjoy your day~



Important points to consider:

- Images are not included in the SLA but linked, it is probably best to use Collect for output.
- The same fonts will have to be installed on both machines. Even though the fonts used in the document are included in Collect for output they are not automatically installed.
- Both users must use the same version of Scribus (newer versions can not save older versions format, only open)